Hi, I recieved an actual proper validation from an old medical bill....Took a few months of bitching and threatening for not deleating it from the CRA, but they managed to unfortunately find it all itemized statements ...including signature... The account is with a collection agengy not the original creditor. So..now I need tips and ideas on how to proceed with settlement. Should I validate with the original creditor before I respond to collectors validation ? or just deal with the collector and offer a settlement From the look sof things the acct. is still owed by the hospital. Ideally I would like to stall a little longer as I don't have any real money to offer this month....(still waiting for tax refunds hehehe) TIA Jamie
Wait for Tax return and make an offer and start low, be patient, don't rush it. THe settlement should include, full deletion of all accounts on all CRAs, they are not allowed to sell the balance. And get it in writing. Make damn sure its to the hospital or medical facility you are dealing with no the CA.
Hi Thanks and just to be clear ..while waiting for those tax returns <grin> , should I try to validate with the hospital ? and see what happens ? ITs their collection agency that has validated..but no where on the CRA listings is the account showing up as sold or tranfered or listed with the hospital just the collection agency.... These last few collection accts sure are being buggers talk about frustrating I can almost smell the greener more gentler 600's .... but can't quite reach them...yet... Jamie
Did the collection agency tell you if they own it or are collecting for the OC? cause that is correct validation if that is the case. If they didn't tell you then you didn't get correct verification they are legally allowed to collect the debt.
Hi OK...lol I hope this is helping someone else out there lol I hate to keep asking so many questions that clarifications. The validation I recieved from the the collection agengy (Universal Accts.) was an "itemization" of my "account " with them, where it lists their "Client" as Verugo Hills Hopsitpal.and "date of referal to them on 03/03/00 . They enclosed a bill for what I owe plus interest etc. Also attached was a copy of bill I supposedly recieved from the hospital and a copy of the Conditions of treatment and/or Admission form . (that also has the finacial agreement clause) which was signed at the time of the ER visit. saying we are responible for the cost. (What a bitch to be un insured with no credit cards avail for emergencies heh ?oh the irony)... So if the acct was only referred not sold to Univeral Acct. where does that leave me ? Thanks again Jamie
That leaves you to deal with the hospital and not the collection Agency. Make an offer remember get it in writing and make sure they don't sell or transfer the balance to another collection agency.
Hi Very cool .....Thanks for all your help..I will try to be patient (no Pun Intented) and send the hospital a validation letter to get their attention and then when they validate it like they probably will, hopefully I will be ready to make a settlement offer in exchange for getting the collection agengy off my back (and credit reports). I'm a chicken and will only do business with these jokers by mail so getting agreement in writing should be easy... wish me luck your help is greatly appriciated Jamie
You don't need to validate it, the CA already did. I would offer a settlement for 50% after you get your tax return.
Don't forget to take into account the Statute of Limitations. If this debt is past the SOL, your hand is strengthened. They can't do anything to you except keep reporting the "bad" on your CR's. You have what they want; the Money. Or at least they think you do. Assuming the SOL is on your side, don't believe their bluster. Play it hard.
I wasn't aware a hospital was allowed to charge interest??? Read the admissions form very carefully, if it doesn't state it in their, then I don't think they can collect interest.
Hi The Sol has NOT past (one year to go). However correct me if I'm wrong ..if I can assume that they are collecting the debt for the hospital and don't actually own the debt they cannot sue me for the money right ? Only the hospital could hypathetically take me to court over this. Its only about 230.00 so really don't think it will come to that... Thanks for all your answers Jamie
Good Morning, The orginal amount was 182.50 ..which btw is the amount listed on my credit reports. and being in the wonderful state of California...teh the addmission form finacial clause states that "should the acct be refferred to collections or attorney the undersigned shall pay the actual attorney's fees and collection expense.All delinquent accts shall bear intrest at the legal rate" Which in Calif is 10%... Jamie
This is where the whole validation/ estoppel/ nutcase series of letters comes in. Fairly easy to get rid of the CA with those. Of course, it might well end up being referred to another and then another. But by then the SOL will have passed. Then you have a better negotiating position with the hospital.