a scary thought...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Feb 13, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I was at work the other day, when my 16 year old part timer came in, I was just finishing up my daily credit report work, when I looked at him and said PLEASE don't EVER screw up your credit reports.
    He said "What's a credit report?"
    I almost fell over. I explained to him how there were 3 antichrists, that sold your personal info and made money from it. I said you screw up, the WORLD will know it, you don't screw up the world will THINK you have, cause of the horrible reporting.
    I think a credit class of some sorts needs to be in schools, at least one year of "How not to screw up your LIFE!!"
  2. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Good Point!

    I think it's the men's store "Syms" that use to have a slogan, "An educated consumer is our best customer". Well it's exactly the opposite for creditor's in the world of credit.
  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I agree 100%. They could even do a crash course in a week, just to make them aware and let them know they do have rights.

    When I first went to college there were credit card companies every 2 ft. I had a friend who got about 10 cc. She got cash advances everyday and never made a payment on them. She didn't have a clue and the cc companies did not care that you have no income. She has bad credit now and eventually it was fall off. I don't speak to her anymore or I'd tell her about this board.

    But education is the key, some kids need life skills taught in school. Because if the parents don't know then how are the kids ever going to know......

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