A victory!!! My first real one.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by slinkyboi5, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    I had a PAID collection from a gas company from 2000 for $67. It had been validated when I disputed with the CRAs. I called the OC today and asked them to validate it. She said they only had a few records from that far back. I demanded a copy of all collection attempts before it went to collections and a copy of all my statements, etc. She said they couldn't get copies of the letters, it was too far back, but I could supbeona them for copies using a lawyer. I told her that 'by law you have to be able to show me the debt is mine and you attempted to collect it lawfully and I don't need a supboena for that information, and if I have to, I will sue the company for violating those federal laws'. I was then put on hold for about 10 minutes. She came back and said that she couldn't get that information for me, and that she was recalling the account from the collections agency. So, I got the account recalled from collections, and they are sending documentation of the recall, etc. So, I guess I got the collections account removed from my CR, right? And it was even a PAID collections!!! I should be happy, right?!!?!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    VICTORY is VICTORY is VICTORY!!!! Congratulations!
  3. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    congrat!! way to go!!
  4. freddiemil

    freddiemil Well-Known Member

    Great job!
  5. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    Thanx. I'm glowing with excitement to see how this affects my credit score...but I imagine that will take a month or so to update.
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Good Job Slink,

    Give it a little time to hit your report. Many on this board don't like calling these people but sometimes it pays off.

  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: A victory!!! My first real one

    Basically, you were about to cost them far more than $67 in time and trouble, and she knew it. In this case, you proved that the old conventional wisdom which says "ALWAYS IN WRITING AND NEVER BY TELEPHONE" isn't necessarily the truth in every case. In your situation, she knew that you were far more informed than the average bear regarding your civil rights under the FDCPA and that you might become a litigious nutcase -- all over a measly 67 bucks. Hey, I think you've invented the Nutcase Phone Callâ?¢ -- where you turned the tables on them and became the unwanted nuisance caller. :)

  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: A victory!!! My first real one


    The Nutcase Phonecall. I love it.

  9. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    Re: A victory!!! My first real one

    Hehe...never thought of myself as a nutcase caller..
  10. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: A victory!!! My first real one


    Victory all over the place today. You got this going, I got hubbys LAST collection taken care of and KHMs child gets that Daddy s/he deserves!
  11. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Re: A victory!!! My first real one

    ROTFLMAO!!! The litigious nutcase phone call ( I would make the little TM, but I don't remember how. It's alt and some other words)

    Anyway, Congratulations.

    I am a firm believer in writing, but sometimes, you can get a lot of stuff done on the phone.

    The only thing is, is that you have to get them to back up what they said on the phone in writing.

    That's what I did with Gulf State. I talked to them on the phone about their bogus accounts and had them over the barrel. I told her that it was a great converstaion, and I'm glad she said she was going to delete, but I told here that I wouldn't consider this converstaion as even taking place unless she faxed over the delete letter.

    Key point here...GET THE DELETE LETTER!!!

    Congratuations again.
  12. slinkyboi5

    slinkyboi5 Well-Known Member

    Re: A victory!!! My first real one


    This collection was removed from TU in August.
    I redisputed in September with EQ, they somehow verified. I called the OC and asked for a letter stating it was recalled on letterhead. Got the letter today. Called equifax, talked to the nicest rep I've ever spoken to. She said to fax her the letter and she would call the collection agency and then call me back. I faxed it to her 30 minutes ago, she called me back 2 minutes ago saying she deleted it from my file and will include the letter from the OC in case it ever comes up again!!

    YAY! Now, just waiting on EXP.

    My EQ is now clean, except for a few lates from 2000.

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