I got an e-mail asking me to UP-GRADE (no cost) to AAGOLD WORLD MASTERCARD. How do I know if it's closed??? The toll free # says "YOUR ACCOUNT BALANCE IS $0.00~~~YOUR LAST PAYMENT WAS $0.00~~~NO PAYMENT IS DUE"...(or some such words). Does NOT say anything about available balance is $5,000.00.
George, you don't want that card! It is not the regular AA gold card. World mastercard is different, has high fees, no limit (so no limit is reported). Do a search and you will see. They keep trying to get people to take it - nobody wants it.
Computers do that, LOL. However, it wouldn't hurt to call and ask. Just a simple question "What is the status of this account?" - give out no details.
AA gold world mc does not report cl on exp and tu but does on my eq. Seems like they will convert it to platinum dividend with no problems.
i still get delta skymiles card promo from Amex months after i converted. btw when you close a citi account it will report as open with $80 limit for months...
Ok wait a minute, I did the BDD with the AA world mastercard, is that why there is no limit reported? This isn't gonna help my ratios one bit, I might as well close the account. Good grief!
I think they will change it to the Plat Div card. Others have posted that it is no problem. They tried to get someone - Momof3 I think - but just changing the account to World MC without asking - just sent a notice that she had been "upgraded" - like I said, nobody who knows what they are doing wants the World MC. Recently, with AmEx not reporting for whatever reason, that account was removed from "active" status on my reports and placed in the inactive section - my score went up, LOL. I disputed Citibank, since they hadn't reported since October - I've had 2 CL increases since then, and they marked the account as "in dispute" even though they updated it, and refuse to take it off, so Citi card is no longer factored into my score. It got me another increase in the score. Amazing!