? about doing a balance transfer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by c5kirk, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    I received some balance transfer checks from Providian. I was going to use one to temporarily transfer an AmEx balance. Do I have to actually mail AmEx the check or can I just do an electronic payment at the AmEx site and enter the info. off of the Providian check?

    All AmEx requires is the routing number and acct. number and this Providian check looks like it has both in the format of #########:######## ##### at the bottom of the check. The first 9 numbers look like a routing number and the next 8 + space + 5 numbers are a "1" followed by the last 12 digits of my credit card number.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


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