About to wave the white flag

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wisteria12, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. wisteria12

    wisteria12 Member

    I had a chance to talk to an attorney who pretty much told me that my case for SoL was not valid. If this took place three months from now, it would be valid. He told me at best to contact the other attorney and see if I could work out arraingments. I am so frustrated. The last payment on the account was made in April of 2002. I just feel very overwelmed. I realize this is a debt of mine. I just feel like the CA's and their attorney's have the power to throw all this stuff at you. They have the money to afford all this. Meanwhile I sit just barely getting by, trying to go to school full time, and hardly able to keep my family above water. It is just maddening. I realize that there is probably not much advice for me, but I just needed to vent. Sorry everyone.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    It's not a feeling that you have, it is harsh reality. They do have more resources and that is the reason they typically win under our judicial system.
  3. james1962

    james1962 Well-Known Member

    hey Wisterira i TOTALLY 10000000 % UNDERSTAND how your feeling becouse as APEX says once in our legal system we lose & in my opinion were losing not just becouse we may OR may not owe the debt but seems to me that MANY MANY LOSE becouse were out funded & out spent by HUGE BIGTIME DOLLARS ... seems you like myself only have a computer forum site for help with maybe some advise while the otherside is either lawyers or have lawyers who know exactly how to work the crooked system & can out spend me for instance thousands of dollars to maybe a few hundred dollars AT MOST so we get our butts kicked all day & all night while waiting & hoping someone just may answer our questions on a web forum .... of course most are good people on these forums & many do try to help but bottomline is if you can't pay for expert legal help we're in trouble .. yes you like me prolly do owe the debt but i had an attorney just yesterday tell me i can get rid of all my problems by EITHER filing chapter 7 BK for the low low fee of just 1650. of course to be paid in full before filing OR hire yes that same sweet wonderful & im sure honest lawyer for ONLY 5000. dollars & i'll tell you as he told me " we can drive the otherside CrAzY BY STALLING THEM & JUST PLAIN DRIVING THEM NUTTS WITH ALL THE EXTRA CASH THEY'LL HAVE TO LAYOUT answering our motions " to where they'll want to settle for a very very small amount to just make me go away " MOVING ON TO THE NEXT EASY TARGET " < HE ACTUALLY TOLD ME THIS !! ..... yup the system in my opinion exploits people who are desperate & can't afford it the most & while its of course NOT the only reason we lose IT IS without any doubt A HUGE HUGE REASON many struggling lose in our corrupt system ......... im just venting too A VERY FRUSTRATED JULIE IN NEVADA ..........
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Most self-represented litigants lose on procedural ignorance. Not fair whatsoever but, true nonetheless.
  5. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    SOL means they have some amount of time to sue you. If you were going to sue someone, you wouldn't want the courts to say it didn't count because you only sued a few months before the SOL deadline. You almost made it, everyone feels bad for the Superbowl loser.

    So you are in a six year state? Are there oral and written differences in your state? What proof do they have?

    This is their job. They do this for money. When they win, they eat, they get to buy another big screen TV.

    Your personal problems are unlikely to make any difference at all to the sort of person who gets involved in this sort of debt collection. If there were no rules about paying what you owe, imagine that sort of world. You wouldn't like it. But, of course, rules like you are dealing with can be problematic. You are right, there's no easy out.
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Good post . . .

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