I went on prosper.com got accepted as a member of a group.Now is time to give my personal information because i wanna get a loan to pay off my bills.Does prosper do a hard inquiry???wat are the chances of me getting a loan for $15,000.oo with about 22% interest rate.Would this work for me now that i am ready to pay my bills ontime.Is there another or easier company that can help me out..P.S.my credit is in low 500s.
I tried 4 different times to get a loan on prosper. I was even with a well established group on there. I first started to borrow 8000, then 6k, 4k and the finally 2k. but none of the loans got fully funded, not even close. i don't know what the secret is on there. When i tried, my score was around 600. You might want to start off with a really small amount and then pay it off and increase the next time.
After losing my job unexpectedly a few years ago I fell behind on many of my bills- I couldn't even make the monthly payments for the few months I was unemployed. My credit score went dropped significantly as a result 2 cards went into collections. Even though I paid them off eventually, I found it difficult to obtain any new credit- I was stuck, you can't rebuilt credit without having credit! I found this site to be helpful: www.creditcardoffernow.com There are several cards on this site that issue to people with bad credit who are looking for a second chance. I found one that fit my needs, applied for it and was approved. I am extra careful to make all my payments ontime now as it's crucial to improving my score. It's been about 6 months & last time I checked my credit report, my score had increased by several points.