Access to FICO Scores

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rick, May 15, 2000.

  1. rick

    rick Well-Known Member

    Good News! According to the TransUnion website,, they will release scores by the end of the year! Finally this last barrier will be knocked down!
  2. Mo

    Mo Guest

    I can't believe it !!!! Very good news....hopefully the other 2 will follow.
  3. BOB

    BOB Guest

    Thanks Rick, I know this is good news to
    everyone that is trying to rebuild their credit. Including myself. As Mo said Now
    if the other 2 follow Trans Union we will all
    be tickled crapless.
  4. $Bank$

    $Bank$ Guest

    Thats not what the site said...they're not releasing FICO scores and no credit burueau ever will. They're planning to relase a score they have built themselves....

    FICO scores are produced by Fair Issac and are purchased by credit issures. Credit bureaus do not own the score and cannot provide it to consumers. The same rule applies to the credit grantors who do not own the credit bureau information and cannot release it to consumers.

    The score should help but it will not be the same as the FICO score.
  5. bg

    bg Guest

    Even with a score of their own, as BANK
    stated this will give everyone a chance to
    see where they stand, as they go thru the process of rebuilding their credit. And if the other two follow suit with a score of their own it will be even better.

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