Accessing "lender's"

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by marci, Jan 18, 2001.

  1. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    My mother owns apartments, and I rent one from her. I have been teaching her about credit related issues including credit scores. I just realized that she can legally pull a credit report on me, since I am legally a tenant.

    Neither one of us knows how to go about setting her up for this ability. Will she need to get a tax ID number for her business and does she need a special operating system/computer to do it, or is there a local service who could do it for her?

    I'd like to know true credit scores, since I suspect that the scores being released this year by CRA's won't be the "true" or "current" scores, and I'd love for her to be able to pull my report as a soft inquiry.

    How do we set this up?


  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: Access from your pc.

    You'll need a business. Yes.

    Secondly, you'll need to contact the sales departments at the various credit bureaus, each, and setup an account with each one, obviously showing need for access as a renter. The rates will be a bit higher for low volume use.

    Then you'll need a pc with windows and a modem. The software to pull credit bureau reports, can cost up to $300. Typically more around $99 for each bureau, or $195-200 for a multi-bureau program. You'll also have to apply for access to beacon and other scoring models. The default accounts do not come with it, and are forbidden to request a score. There is another surcharge per report for the scoring model.

    Thats about it. How easy they give out accounts, i can't tell you. I used to write software for residential community credit-bureau access , and the procedure is pretty simple for getting new accounts on multi-housing units (apartments of decent size).

    You may be better off, getting an account with a "credit reseller" who does the whole shebang, employment verification, evictions check, etc. Reports from them will cost $20-$50 each, and can include scores.

    Obviously, if you go direct your report prices will be more in the $3.95 per report range in low quantity.
  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    RE: Access from your pc.


    Thank you for your reply. We will probably go
    the "credit reseller" route, since the apartments only total 4 units. I'll just have my mom get a tax ID number, and I'll pay her for my reports.

  4. Saar

    Saar Banned

    RE: Accessing "lender's&q will show you the lender's version of the report (along with Qpsace graphics), for example you'll only see hard inquiries there; soft ones won't be listed.

    For an extra $3-$4, they'd also provide their own score, which some reported to be very close to their actual FICO's.

    Pulling a report through Qspace will place a soft inquiry.

  5. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    It's not very expensive actual

    A friend of mine is a landlord of a four family house. When she was looking for new tenants, she was able to check the applicants credit for a small charge for each one. She also checked additional records like SSN search and eviction records. All of which were quite cheap. I think it was like 10-12 dollars for all three for 1 person.

    She did this through our local credit bureau branch.

    You might want to check this route out since you mother does not have a lot of units.
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    RE: Accessing "lender's&q

    Thanks to all of you for your responses!


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