Account number for validation reque

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Menace, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. Menace

    Menace Member

    Hey guys, well I am starting to work to fix some old credit issues that I had a long time ago. I looked at my 3 credit reports. Since I have good income I have been dealing with cash only for the last 4 years and while I do now have 2 small cards to help support a positive payment history and a brand new truck loan which should help I have a long way to go. I have begun disputing the accounts with the CR Agencies and already had a little success with a few old accounts that were derogatory.

    Back to the topic of my post,

    Equifax shows 1 collection account (603 score)
    Experian shows 4 (543 score)
    TransUnion Shows 10!! (515 score) 1 of which will fall off later this year for $63 which was paid over 6 years ago sheesh....

    Yes, some are valid, many are/were paid in years past. There are 2 that are utility accounts that were paid years ago (I do not have documentation). There are still 1 or two more that are open, but still 4+ years old. It is my understanding that the CA has the burden of proof and I think that the validation letter may be a step I want to take.

    I do NOT have the full account numbers, only the number from the credit report. Will that be sufficient? I have put together parts from a few of the letters I have seen online. I also understand you should NOT sign a validation letter?

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    You can ask the CRA for the full account numbers, as well as the reported dates of first delinquency which would determine when the account would fall off after 7 years. Note that this is based on when it was first delinquent, and not on when you finally paid off.

    You can also request a credit report with the full account numbers.
  3. Menace

    Menace Member

    Will they do this over the phone, or will I have to do this in writing? I am anxious to get these letters off ;)
  4. Menace

    Menace Member

    Well wish me luck, I just sent off 11 certified return receipt letters. 10 to collections agencies requesting "validation" and one to equifax listing 3 items that I am disputing on their report. I already have disputes outstanding with the other 2 bureaus from their on-line applications.

    The credit agencies gave me the rest of the account numbers over the phone, which was helpfull.

    One question, on requests for "validation" from past utility collections, what is acceptable since there is no cardholder agreement, loan paperwork, etc. There is an old cell phone bill collection as well - would that have to be the original service agreement?

  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Copy of the last statement showing last payment made, and the final statement for actual services would confirm name and billing address to which they were originally billing, which might clarify mistaken identity, fraudulently opened account, or failure to close an account after terminated, or after moving in the case of utilities. It would also indicate a date of first delinquency to determine whether it is legally actionable or past SOL.

    Terms such as interest or other charges for late payment, early termination fees for cell phones, etc, would generally require the original contract.
  6. Menace

    Menace Member

    great thanks

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