account paid by attorney

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chantress1, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. chantress1

    chantress1 Member

    I hope someone/anyone will help me with some advice here. I have a CA with West Asset that I have been disputing and fighting against for 4 years. It was PIF in Oct 2005, to the OC. I started disputing this when it first appeared on my CRs in 2003, because it was a remaining balance from an ER visit to the hospital following a wreck. I explained to hospital that it was in litigation, and even my attorney contacted them. They kept it on there, so i disputed it with the CRAs. They verified the debt. So, now what is my options for getting this removed?
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Nutcase letter ... if it doesn't come off on its own after about 90 days, dispute it again.
  3. chantress1

    chantress1 Member

    Thanks for the advice. I found the nutcase letter, and I was just wondering if you think I should write in there that this was a lawsuit case and at the time of collections was in litigations and that it was stated to the OC in writting that all accounts were handled by an attorney, or is that to much information? I'm just tired of all this mess. And on one of CRs, it doesnt even state that its been PIF or that it has a zero balance. Thanks again.

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