As I have started my quest for better credit and finally finding the place that will help me, I have realized some mistakes that I have made and hope that you all can help! I had an Express account that was put as a charge-off. Last year, WFNNB contacted me to pay the balance, and without thinking twice, I paid it. (I didn't know at the time about the DV). Anyhow, to this day, the CRAs still have this account listed with a small balance. I know I paid it, I have a copy of the canceled check. I disputed with the CRAs, but they said there was no change. (I did not send a copy of the check.) I haven't contacted WFNNB yet because I am so irritated with them for not updating the CR. I want to contact them about this - but when I do, I want them to remove the entire TL from my CRs. Is this possible? I have been denied credit because of this and 1 other CA doing the exact same thing! Please advise - I need your expert opinion! Thanks!
I had a similar situation. What I did was tried- repeatedly- to deny the account, but it kept coming back verified. I got tired of it and just sent copies of cancelled checks and letters from the OC and CA stating any time of payments. It was cleared up after that. One was actually removed from 2 reports (not sure how that happened, but that's one thing I WON"T dispute, haha) and on the other the balance now reflects 0.