Acct so old, I don't remember DOL

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LD, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. LD

    LD Well-Known Member

    Received a letter today from Merchants Credit Guide Co. regarding a Sears account that I had back in the early 90's. I did default on the account, but it was so long ago, I honestly can't remember the DOL. I'm thinking 1993, but not really sure.

    Anyway, I have to respond to this letter which was sent to my PO Box in Florida (I had the account in Maryland) and I'm just wondering what I should say to them.


    ETA: I didn't see a letter that talks about debt being beyond SOL. Is there one?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    If you know that the account is definately time-barred, then you can send them a time-barred C&D.

    Or you can send them a validation letter and see if they jump through the hoops and provide you with concrete proof as to when this account went SOL, then send them the time-barred C&D.

    If you don't have any way of finding out for certain when the account went into the SOL, I'ld argue its better safe than sorry, and have them prove that its SOL, before you even mention that its SOL. ;-)
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    When an account is so old you can't figure out the DLA, I say back it waaaaaaaay back, and see if they argue about it.

    They usually end up hangin themselves.

    "The last payment on this account was on July 4, 1776, (long live the Republic). Outta SOL don't ya think?"

    (I've actually done this)

  4. LD

    LD Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys. I'm going to do a validation letter today. I'll keep you posted.


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