added fiance to cap 1 score now 724?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by james06, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. james06

    james06 Member

    Hello guys,

    My credit has falling from 680 to about 525 in matter of months trying repair but so hard. Anyways one my accounts still open yeah sucky cap 1 only had 15 months tradeline. I added my fiance who has no credit. Only thing on her report is cap 1 card pulled Equifax from says she has 724 is that possible? or is that a fako score from reading on here thought myfico was best for true fico.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    myfico should be true FICO.

    What accounts show on your reports?
    Any negatives?

    What accounts show on her reports?
    Any negatives?

    Who was added to who's account?

    How long has she had the "Cap 1" card?
    What credit limit does she have?
    What high balance, and current balance, does it report?
    Does it report "paid as agreed"?
  3. james06

    james06 Member

    hey thanks for reply. Guess I didn't make myself clear she had no credit or equifax only account is cap 1 I added her as authorized user only $400 limit balance at 100 usually always pay in full. Account been open 15 months always current and on time. Ijust added her 2 months ago though. My credit I know is shot working on improving it my scores for myself are based on truecredit her's is myfico. I have few collection accounts on my reports been trying get off with help from this site. Seems noone wants to do PFD though :(. Also tried adding to good home depot account they said don't report though but I know before they did when I had authorized user maybe rep just wasn't aware so went had and added anyways
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Maybe that is how you get leverage to boost both your scores.

    If you have one good account, paid as agreed with some history, you add her as an authorized user. She now has some good history to use to open a modest account in her own name. Once that has some history, she could add you as AU, to help you add an account on better terms.

    In no case do either of you actually need the AU card. It is simpler to track spending and debt when you have and use only your own accounts. Also once you each bootstrap your credit histories, you can start removing the AU cards to minimize risk should any account ever have late payments.
  5. james06

    james06 Member

    I applied using the 724 fico (equifax) for ge credit card her score dropped 10 pts from one inquiry but will see what happens.
  6. ss101

    ss101 Member

    I don't have a Home Depot card but I'm pretty sure one of my employees just added her husband as an AU online. Don't listen to what most of the CSR tell you about reporting AU status. Most are paid $8 an hour and are not aware of things like AU reporting. Just add her and see what happens. They don't charge for the additional card so you have nothing to lose.

    P.S. A friend of mine from mexico just got his SSN. He had no credit. He could not get a normal card so he got a B of A secured card in September. I added him to my 3 year old amex with a 20k limit and he has a 735 for EX and Eq. TU says he has not had credit for 6 months and he has no score. AU is a great builder!
  7. james06

    james06 Member


    Home Depot still reports just took awhile but now on her reports

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