If your fico score is low I can add a trade line from Experain to your credit file. It will show as a Automobile loan. If you don't need my services don't reply don't make any comment one way or the other.
Re: ? I will report it under my business it will show up on your credit file as a automobile loan,$7800.00,1 year pay history,never late,closed account. The fee is $200 It is reported to Experain It will take about 3 weeks to appear on your credit report. You only pay when it is on your credit file. email mexicoservices@email.com
Michelle Please do not respond to this. If you do a search on this site you will see that this is not legit.
Re: Michelle Until this individual can give you a real verifiable email, address, phone number, etc. don't do it. Obviously a 'hotmail'-like account is suspicious or other web-based email account. 'Mexicoservices@email.com'... sound weird to you? Always remeber, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is..."
address robert........why not give us your real address, phone number, business name, etc. Does your business have a website?
Re: address What good is reporting something to "Experain"?? They are not a credit bureau. EXPERIAN is a credit bureau, but you can't even spell it right so why would anyone in their right mind give you $200? You're a fake.