Advice on AA Litigation tricks

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chi_guy, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. chi_guy

    chi_guy Member

    Have a court date set for late September against AA over an alleged MBNA account. I have very solid affirmative defenses against them, incl:

    SOL (Date of last alleged pmt is 5/99. I lived out of state & per IL Statutes, the shorter SOL from foreign state applies)
    FDCPA Violations (They did not respond to CRRR VoD letters)
    Statute of Frauds (I've not seen any contract where I agreed to pay Creditor or Assigns)
    Invalid Assignment (I've not seen any Assignment Agreement between MBNA & AA with relevant terms spelled out as required per IL Statutes - Collection Agency Act)

    Suffice it to say, they cannot prevail straight up according to the law. Yes, I am aware the FDCPA Violations are technically not an Affirmative Defense in Small Claims, but I know they cannot hope to sustain a judgment without properly validating.

    I know they will have nothing from MBNA. The alleged account was opened over 10 yrs ago & was delinquent over 5 yrs ago.

    So, I am trying to be proactive & think of any dirty tricks they might attempt to pull & solicit advice on how to counter:

    I expect them to POSSIBLY:
    Argue this is a Written, not Oral Contract (ultimately irrelevant since foreign state has same SOL)

    Attempt to show contract was between myself & AA, not MBNA (I never paid, nor agreed to pay them a dime).

    Attempt to demonstrate they mailed me 3 statements & I did not object, so therefore by Estoppel of Silence, they can assume I had no objection to the contract being between myself & them.

    Argue they are not a CA & thus do not have to produce an Assignment Agreement that states amount paid for alleged MBNA account, et al.

    I know they are bringing one witness. I assume it is an AA employee that will say the same thing as what was on the BS Affidavit filed with the complaint.

    My question - Any advice on what tricks they have tried to pull in the past & ow you overcame them?

  2. chi_guy

    chi_guy Member


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