advice on best cell phones after BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by teresa, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    Well we have been post discharge 4 months now and since school is heading back up in a week I would like to get a phone for the schools to get a hold of me since I am in class as well. Any advice on who would be good to start with, scores are mid-high 500's could just use a local plan, really do not want a deposit, thanks in advance!
  2. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Well-Known Member

    I'm post-BK as well Teresa. Applied for a T-Mobile phone & they approved for $300+ model w/ no deposit. Even more interesting is the fact that I burned them in court for about $80. Had been an account holder for 2+ yrs prior to my BK so the overall acct history was prob good to them.

    Sprint is more stringent about approving w/out deposits, Verizon is more likely to approve if you have a long account history w/a home phone. Do not know about AT&T.

    If you are up for a prepaid phone, look into Excellent phones using the Sprint network. Rates are very reasonable if you talk less than 500 mins/month.
  3. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    thanks for that advice, I really only need a local plan with limited minutes, I just think the prepaids are alot per minute. gives me a starting point anyway, did you go into a store or apply online? Thanks again
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Verizon is tough....they wanted a $500 deposit when my scores were in the 600's and 1 the time I had AT&T who gave me a shot w/ no deposit at my worst....I'm still a customer even though their service isn't the best in my area.....they did me good and now I'm returning the favor ;)
  5. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    I don't know about now, but right after mine (6 years ago) I got an ATT Wireless account with no deposit BUT it had to be tied directly to a credit card and they set a 200.00 spending limit.

    I am sure the deals/restrictions change frequently, so I am not sure if that holds valid now.

    I would think the best thing to do is call them and be straight. Tell them the situatio and see what they say.

    However, when it comes to getting the service (after you decide), almost all the best deals come from purchasing directly through the vendor online. There are almost always bonus minutes and better rebates on the phones.

    Good luck on your road to recovery! It's not that bad. I have been through it and I am a much better person now- I learned so much.
  6. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    my score is 538 and i just got approved for sprint with a 200.00 limit and no deposit. verizon wanted a 400.00 deposit.
  7. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    my score is 538 and i just got approved for sprint with a 200.00 limit and no deposit. verizon wanted a 400.00 deposit.

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