
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ifhn166, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. ifhn166

    ifhn166 Active Member

    I have spent the last several years trying to rebuild the credit I destroyed during my college years. My scores are approaching the 700 mark, a level I never thought I would see. I've been able to purchase a home and a vehicle with good rates < 6%. I would like to phase out my high interest rate credit cards from Providian(~2K), Capital One(~1.5K) and Orchard Bank (0 Bal). The aforementioned CCs keep giving me the run around about having the best rate currently available, 16.99%, 14.99% and 18.99% respectively. I would like take advantage of a 2.9% offer from Cap1 but they will not raise my limit enough to cover the transfer amount from PVN. Plus they want to charge me for the transfer. I'm seeking recommendations on who I should look to applying to with my current scores. Should I go through my Credit Union or direct with Chase or Citibank. Any advice is appreciated.
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    All of those sound like reasonable options.

    Go through whatever offers you have or can find on the net. Apply to the one that is most appealing.
  3. ifhn166

    ifhn166 Active Member


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