Afer Validation request, debt passed to another CA!!! please help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wildviper, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. wildviper

    wildviper Member


    I did my first set of validation request begining in May 2008. After a week, I sent a letter to CRA (Transunion, since it was only being reported on that one) as well. After 30 days I didn't get a reply back from the CA agency (ER Solutions) so I sent another DV letter on 13th June. (Letter #2)

    Today I got an email from Equifax to tell me that my credit file has been updated. I check it and I see that another CA (W.C.I from Redmond, Washington) is added. This was never in Equifax. This is for the same debt (of Washington Mutual) that I was disputing with ER Solutions!

    I am in California and the SOL has passed long ago. All I can get is a "Balance Date" of Mar 2003.

    What can I do now if these debt keep on getting sold to another CA? How can I stop this so that I am not constantly writing letters and stuff?

    I did send all letter via Certified Mail.
  2. TeeVeeDude

    TeeVeeDude Well-Known Member

    This is not at all unusual. I had one account (much fresher than yours, still in SOL) that got bounced to four different agencies. I'd DV, and 40-60 days later I'd hear from a new CA. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Finally, after agency #4, the OC contacted me with an offer I couldn't refuse. They accepted 60% of the balance and removed the TL.
  3. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    What is important is that the SOL is up/over. Within the 7 years that a negative entry stays on your credit report the account can be bounced around to all kinds of CAs.
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    The reporting period has nothing to do with whether or not it can be bounced around.

    Unless your state laws say otherwise, they can sell (and try to collect) forever. You just have to send your DV and they should go away.

    But the 7-year reporting period has nothing to do with when an account can be sold, or when they can attempt to collect.
  5. wildviper

    wildviper Member

    Well, I guess I am going to have to keep on writing the DV letters.

    Also, I just got a report back from Transunion about my verfication request and they took off 2 accounts!!!

    But one account, the same one I am referring to here stayed on with "Verified" on there. The ER Solutions one.

    I have ER Solutions on a violation (i think) cause I had sent them the DV letter and they never replied to me.

    What is my next step there? I have already sent them the 2nd DV letter before I got the Transunion letter
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    ER Solutions doesn't have to reply to the validation letter. But, assuming you sent the DV letter within 30 days of the first contact, they must cease collection activities until they send you the validation.

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