My wife checked her credit report and last month, AFNI put a negative item on it in regards to a supposed Verizon account, at an address that she never lived. We disputed with Experian and they claim that it was validated. I'm going to send the next letter to Experian, which demands the procedure used. My question is: what letter should we send to AFNI? All the sample letters are based upon the fact that a letter was sent to the supposed delinquent account holder by AFNI. She hasn't gotten a letter from AFNI yet and I'd rather not wait for one, since we're going to be mortgage shopping soon.
Search the site. AFNI has been discussed a lot! You should send a dispute and verify letter (and don't send the big long one that everyone seems to find first) and send it certified mail. Then when you receive the green post card from the certified letter, dispute the entry with Experian again. Then expect to receive a letter that asks for all sorts of personal information (don't send them any). Then expect to file a small-claims lawsuit (or you could file one in federal court. You'd be in good company either way). Then, maybe, they'll drop it (but don't hold your breath).
Dispute the date of status and account type once more with Experian if they will accept it. Otherwise, send something directly to AFNI. However, you need to know who to send it to in order to get results (sometimes).
I recently had the same problem with AFNI they were reporting that I owed $275 from an account that was not mine. After I disputed this information with the 3 credit bureaus I received a letter in the mail from AFNI stating if I thought this was a fraudulent account and to supply information proving I did not reside at the address they had on file. I sent copies of current phone bill and a few other things proving that I did not reside at address in question(with phone number etc blacked out) to AFNI. Approximatley 2 weeks later I received a letter in the mail from AFNI stating that they received my information and that the item would be removed from my credit report. Called yesterday to 2 of the credit bureaus and it has indeed been removed.