AFNI's a bunch of jerks.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by prissypoo, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    OK... we found an AFNI account on hubby's credit report. I sent off my validation request, CMRR, and received that letter they are so fond of sending, saying that we need to be more specific in our dispute and provide them with more information. After sending the original letter, I did the dispute with the 3 bureaus and they did verify. What's my next move? I want this off his report but really I'd like to shout to the world that AFNI is a bottom-feeding, scum-sucking piece of garbage. Or I can do both.

    What do I send from here?
  2. chantress1

    chantress1 Member

    I'm dealing with the same jerks! I sent off a PFD letter to them almost a month ago, with the same amount offered that they so graciously offer to settle with me. I have heard nothing, not a word from them. Just makes me so mad, at least they could send a letter saying NO.
  3. DamnFool18

    DamnFool18 Member

    I've been trying to get an AFNI tradeline that is past the SOL off my equifax report for months. Morons. Both of them.
  4. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    From previous posts, the only communications they understand are attached to a summons. Everything else (OK, except for cash) is just ignored.

  5. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    YAY! I filed a complaint with the FTC and the BBB against AFNI based on their failure to validate when requested... And they are closing the account and deleting the tradeline! I'm so excited!!
  6. Birddog

    Birddog Member

    Congrats and thanks for the idea!!

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