Ok what exactly do I do once the 30 day period has expired? I know I send the Estoppel letter but what exactly do I do with the CRAs. I have been reading and noticed that I can dispute their entries since they did not validate. Thanks for the help
Could you give a little more info? You sent a validation letter to whom? The CA's? HAve you disputed at all with the CRAs yet?
No I have not disputed anything except inquiries through Doc's Trick. All I did was sent validations so far. Im waiting for the time period to expire and then send Estoppel. But I noticed that I should dispute with CRAs. Should I wait for the 30 day period and send copies of the green cards when I dispute?
I'm not sure what Doc's trick is and I'm still not sure WHO you sent the validation letters to? In addition to reading some more of the basics on here , you need to do the following: 1. For errors or negatives on your report, send dispute letters to all 3 CRAs. Send CRRR. Just send the letter. Nothing else. They have 30 days from receipt to do an investigation. You can also dispute online. 2. For Collection Accounts, you can send validation letters to the CAs. Read through the Primer on here and through the sample letters. 3. For other negatives or errors, you can also send letters to the OCs . If you check out the info for newbies, you will find all sorts of tricks and letters that work. Finally, if you need specific advice it would be helpful to start a thread or two with your specific questions. Hope this helps a little!
Whats a CRRR? Arent I supposed to dispute each entry separately? I sent the validation to the CAs. These accounts have been charged off and sold.
I hate to tell, but if you have been reading this board long enought to know to validate and do not know what a crrr is, you are in trouble.. how did you send validation letters, did you send them regular mail or certified mail? (crrr=certified, return receipt requested)
Jesus Christ, all I am asking for is how to dispute because I noticed that many of you send some kind of a dispute after the 30 day period for validation expires. And yes they were certified and return receipt requested.
Mecro, After the 30 days are up from the day the green card came back showing they ( the CA) recieved your validation request, you send them an Estoppel letter.Wait 30 more days. In the mean time while you are waiting, dispute with the CRA's. This accomplishes 2 things. First it will put the item in investigation, and if the creditor verifies, they are in violation by continued collection practice without validating and by not notifying the CRA you disputed with them. Second, if they don't verify the trade lline may be deleted and you won't have to do as much work on that one. There are more steps after the Estoppel if you still have no response from the CA that you can research through the threads. Good luck! Kara
Mecro, I highly recommend that you read the FAQ and newbie page. You are jumping into validation without knowing what you are doing. Take some time out to really read and become informed.
Thank you. Thats about what I was asking. And I have read the FAQ more than once and it is not specific enough. For example, I am still not sure enough about how to dispute with the letter. Do I have to include proof?
Mecro..you need to be more specific when you communicate. Which letter are you referring to and proof of what? ARe you talking about dispute letters to CRAs? Being unclear in what you write makes it difficult to give you any advice.
Your best bet would be to do it online at first. Sign up with Creditwatch and Creditexpert if you can afford it. They are great while working on your credit. You can keep track og f them and it is easy. You don't need proof, but you do need a reason. Such as " not mine", "incorrect balance", "Paid in full". You might start with the "not mine" since it will get you a deletion best if the tradeline is not verified. Kara
Agree with kara about disputing online. I've gotten results in less than 2 weeks from disputing online. None were negatives though. One was an account that really was never mine. It was deleted immediately. The second was a duplicate account. Last one was a credit card that showed as open account although I closed it last year. Changed to closed in about a week.
Credit Expert is all messed up for me. I request Investigation, type in the info and it just returns me to the credit report page. I never get a chance to point out what entry I am disputing.