If i die would my wife be liable for my credit card bills here in new york if she is not signed on any of them?
I feel compelled to answer this - and I apologize if I overstep my bounds. NY is not a community property state, and since she didn't sign the debts, no - legally she would not be responsible. That said, there are other ways to take care of debt issues other than dying. I'm sure your wife would much rather be with you in debt, than to be debt free but husbandless. Like I said, I may be out of line and if so, I truly apologize.
It depends. A claim would be made against the estate. Technically, claims are supposed to be paid before the estate is distributed to the heirs. Does she own anything that isn't joint? If so, those assets would go to pay the bills. Otherwise, you would send a death certificate to the credit card companies and they will probably write it off.
from a simple question, it does not appear to me that the poster is contemplating leaving the living! Sir please tell us u are just concerned cause u don't want to leave your wife responsible for your debt?!?!?!