Agree to Delete

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by michelle74, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. michelle74

    michelle74 Active Member

    Will most places agree to delete if you pay? If so should I have them fax me a letter saying so? I need proof. Should I call them to negotiate pay for delete?
    Also I am in Maryland and some of these things on our report are nearing the 6 years. Should I pay them or let them fall off? Thanks
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Some places will agree to terms of a pay for delete, however, it is becoming more rare due to their contractual obligations with the CRA's. Those which won't delete will tell you it is illegal which is a misrepresentation of the law.

    If you do get some agreements, try your best to get the terms in writing. Again, you may or may not achieve success here.

    For the debts that are six years old, I wouldn't pay those insofar as they will (or should) fall of fairly soon anyway. You may consider disputing them now in that they are so old and may as well think about using "obsolete" as a basis.
  3. michelle74

    michelle74 Active Member

    Thanks for the reply. I am going to try for the pay to delete. Should I mail them a certified letter requesting that or call them and have them fax me a letter agreeing or disagreeing?
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Either/or should do the trick. You'd get a faster response by calling but be prepared for questions regarding your finances.

    Not that it's any of my business nor do I care, but why not dispute these near obsolete accounts and save yourself some money?

    Just a thought.

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