Agreement Letter-READ ME

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shport, Dec 17, 2002.

  1. shport

    shport Well-Known Member


    I've come to an agreement with Citibank that if I pay off the balance of what's owed on my account they will "remove all derogatory comments from the account". I have this in writing.

    Is this good enough?
    Should I seek something additional?
    What recourse does the letter I have provide me?

    Let me know. I need to call them today to pay them off.
  2. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    Well you can't go wrong for asking to have the tradeline removed entirely.
  3. qofther

    qofther Well-Known Member

    But if it stays on report, all neg info gone, it is another positive tradeline. I say call it good as long as you are happy with the wording and that everything is perfectly clear.

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