
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sette313, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. sette313

    sette313 Active Member

    I sent Providian a letter to confirm an account they are reporting as a chargeoff on all the CRA's. Basicly a modified validation letter that I wanted to see a signed contract with my signature on it.

    They sent me back a copy of one of those mail in cards that one can sign and fill in your ss # . The signature isnt signed under an agreement to pay under their terms...yada,yada,yada...It doesnt look like a signed contract. Just a signed reply that I would want a VISA gold. this good enough as far as a signed contract is concerned? Im hoping I can use it as leverage for a semi- pay off/removal on the CRA's

    what do you think?

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i don't know,but this will bump your thread up...
  3. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    Your statements and payments will and may prove in a court of law that the account is yours..

    unless you clain identity fraud but that could open up another can of worms.

    I had a c/o with providian that i paid.

    I sent them a validation letter they never responded.

    I just recently got this item deleted from TU and EQ.

  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Yes- but does thst prove he owes it? NO!
  5. bobbidk

    bobbidk Well-Known Member


    Do this, after 30 days from the signing of the CRRR for your validation, send the estoppel letter to Providian. At the same time dispute with the CRA's. If Providian verifies with the CRA's before they validate with you they are trying to collect a debt before validating. Providian should also report to the CRA's that the debt is in dispute. If they haven't done so, another violation.

    This is the easiest way to do it. Good luck!


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