Airlines to fight terrorism w/ FICO

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Mar 4, 2003.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Poor credit causes~~ ACCIDENTS, TICKETS, AND CLAIMS...not much of a stretch for the loons to decide that a poor F.I.C.O. will cause TERRORISM.
  2. Rawhide

    Rawhide Well-Known Member

    Once the feds get their hands on the data, they will latch on to it tighter than any CA ever did. What they use it for in 5-10 years is what worries me.
  3. PawMix

    PawMix Well-Known Member

    Soon Outback will be running your credit report before they offer you a table, just to see if you can afford to eat there...

  4. jason1971

    jason1971 Banned

    psych doc, thank you for the posting this one GOOD JOB MAN!!! The site you posted should not be read word for word for you to disagreed upon. It just shows the steps the government and others like CRA(s) are taking into credit reports. Anyone that understands the reason certain steps are now slowly being taken to read into credit reports, will get a more understanding of how and why the information in the credit reports will be more accurate in the future. And they are now taking steps "FDIC, 9-11, The current economy, and ETC." In the near future and steps starting right now, it is more difficult to just, change things personally in a credit report that are not true. Thanks good post!!!!!!!!
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the nice compliment, Jason, but I hope you'll forgive me for not understanding much of what you just wrote -- something about CRAs becoming more accurate and it being more difficult to challenge them, etc. Somehow I find your logic to be bizarre and practically incomprehensible, lol! Regardless, thanks for your kudos.


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