Almost 100 pt FICO drop :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Eric2OO2, Dec 7, 2002.

  1. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    A couple of months ago my FICO Score was 720 - I decided to check it again tonight. It is now 625. Since Capitol one doesnt report limits, and I have a higher balance than I ever had have with them before it looks as it that card is maxxed out. ($800) I just got a new mastercard from cap one a couple of months ago and it looks like its maxxed out once again since they dont report limits. I also just got a new chase card and im sure that caused my score to drop a bit....Once I pay off the $800 capital one balance im sure my score will recoup back to 720 or higher, I know it will....But in the mean time seeing that number sure does SUCK when im used to seeing 720. I'll have it back soon enough though I suppose. Just wanted to rant.......
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Depending on how large your chase credit limit is, you might consider a bt to chase. OR, you could charge your cap1 card close to the max with a big refundable purchase, then return the purchase. Your credit limit would then show.
  3. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    LOL - thanks for the help :) however chase only gave me a $200 line since I have such a short credit history. (a year and 2 months) or I assume that is why. Once I pay off the cap one balance my score should bounce right back to 720, or very close.... I assume so anyways.
  4. alent1234

    alent1234 Well-Known Member

    New chase card bought average account age down. And maxing out your cards is also bad. I think 20%-30% is the magic number that creditors like.
  5. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    You must have read my post wrong. My cards not not maxed out, they appear to be. Capitol One does not report you credit limit, only your high credit. My previous high credit was like $322, so the new $800 balance was a major change.
  6. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    GM doesnt report limits?!?!? I thought that was just capitalone! Does everyone else have the same experience? My EQ is at 721, and GM isn't reporting yet.. I wonder if I should brace for a major score drop once they start reporting
  7. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    HUH!? WHO SAID anything about the GM card ?
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Where was GM mentioned?
  9. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    LOL oops. I thought I read GM mastercard. NEvermind! :)
  10. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Just have to post to thank you, I've done this so many times everyone here must think I'm either blind or just nuts. Thanks for joining me in the "making things up" department :)

  11. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Hey I want out of that dreadful department! :)
  12. alent1234

    alent1234 Well-Known Member

    Forgot if they report limits on the tradelines, but on the online credit report it will say how much of your balance is being used. Did you max out your cards?
  13. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    alent - NO my cards are not maxed out. If you have a capital one account they only report the high credit. Say if you spent $20 on your new kmart mastercard than on your credit report it is going to list $20 as your credit limit, and $20 as your balance. This making it look like you have a card that is maxed out. If you got a new card that reported the actual limit it would say $2,000 limit, $20 balance. See what im saying ?
  14. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    What eric is saying is that he has a new high limit on his cap1 account... so cap1 reports the account with high limit/credit limit 800 and it looks like he is maxed even though his true limit might be 10k
  15. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU Shaolin!!!! :O)
  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If you can BT 98%-99% of the CREDIT LIMIT (even if it is @ 18%) and pay it off ONE DAY AFTER THE STATEMENT IS PROCESSED...

    Easier that buying "STUFF" and taking it back...ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE TO TAKE BACK SOMETHING >$5,000!!!
  17. alent1234

    alent1234 Well-Known Member

    Weird. They don't do it to me. I have 2 cap one cards and I only use one of them. A few months ago it was almost maxed out until I paid it off. A few weeks later the percentage of balance/limit changed to reflect it and my fico went up.
  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    If you have an acct with Cap1, they do it to you also.

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