Almost forgot RE: telemarketer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Sep 12, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Tonight while eating dinner the phone rings.....comes up Florida on the caller ID, so I thought it was about one of the jobs I applied to:

    ME: Hello

    Man: Hi can I speak to Kellie?

    ME: Yes this is.

    Man: Hi Kellie, I'm calling about the card you applied for

    (I applied for another Citi card the other night)

    ME: I'm sorry who is this?

    Man: Are you still trying to rebuild or establish your credit?

    Me: No thank you I'm all set.

    Man: Is your address 1....

    Me: No it's not, I'm not interested.

    Man: What is your new address?

    Me: 123 Eat Sh!t Drive, Lose my number NH
    get a life thank you.....

    To think only a year ago I might have fallen for this garbage.
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member


    It wasn't Citi, hehe. These garbage guys are so tricky.
  3. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member


    I had a similar converstion with a CA once. I gave him an obiously bogus address when he started screaming for my home address. I also failed to offer a zip code.

    He then asked me what the zip code was. I told him I didn't have one.

    He was really ticked off now. He told me that I have to have a zip code. I told him that I could not afford one. I was too poor and the post-office would not extend me credit to buy one since my credit report was trashed.

    I do the same thing with the 6 digit phone number I gave him. I can't afford real phone number, so they only give me 5 digits. I was able to scrap enough money together last month to buy another digit, and if all goes well, I will have a real phone number by xmas.

    You can just hear the blood pressure rising on the other end of the phone. Like my mom used to tell me, "You ask a stupid question, I'll give you a stupid answer."
  4. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    SO whats the TRICK here.
    if you give them your address is that way way for them to check your credit report or simply mail out the preapproved trash or do they twist you giving your address as an agreement for applying for thier scary good credit?
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Notwithstanding the fact that this guy was obviously a rude nitwit, all you guys need to chill out about getting calls during dinner.

    1) A telemarketer has no way of knowing you're eating dinner at the time of his call

    2) America is a country of capitalism. NOTHING happens in this country until somebody sells something.

    Take your phone off the hook while eating.


    Calls from CA's are excluded. I'm talking about legitimate sales businesses.
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Today's Leading News
    September 12, 2002 â?? Those pesky dinnertime calls from long-distance and credit card companies might soon become easier to fend off. Among items the Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to propose today is a national ''do-not-call'' list banning telemarketers from calling those who sign up. The proposal is significant because it would crack down on industries not covered by a similar list planned by the Federal Trade Commission.
  7. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I finally got fed up with the telemarketers calls last week. I convinced my 21 year old son to open up a credit card so he could begin to establish some credit. He has two years until he graduates, and I told him he needed to at least start establishing credit. He decided to go with SunTrust because he once worked there, they liked him, and he has had a banking relationship with them for three years. He was apporved.

    Then they started calling to offer "exciting benefits now that he is a credit card holder" Each time I told them that he is only home in the evening and they cannot get him ever during the day. They kept calling , but only during the day, sometimes as many as five times a day. I guess their telemarketers only work day time.

    They wouldn't quit calling. I signed up the whole family for the state "do not call list" and signed us all up for the FTC list.

    From now on, my reply will be "we don't buy from telemarketers, goodbye".

    My pet peeve is the ones who want to argue when you say no. We wanted an all brick home and we finally bought it. We love it. We get calls trying to sell us aluminum siding. When I say no, I have an all brick home, they want to argue with me as to why aluminum siding is better. My wife gets mad when I hang up, saying it is rude. I laugh when she gets the calls and stays on the line arguing with them.

    They have a right to call, but I have a right to say no. And when I say no, the conversation is over.
  8. Saar

    Saar Banned

    I don't see it that way. No telemarketer should call me at home unless and until I opt in to receive phone solicitations. It's high time they started regulating the telemarketing jungle we live it.

    I'm more liberal about mail solicitations, since these hardly occupy any of my time, and they never interrupt my dinner.

  9. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    The telemarketing law makes sense: $500 statutory award for each violation.

    1. They have to provide proper identification during the call (address or telephone number must be included-- they almost never do).

    2. If you tell them not to call, and they call twice within one year.

    3. You can demand their policy to maintain a list of consumer who don't want to be called. They must send it to you.
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    These guys are scary, operating in blatant disregard of the FTC laws and have had multiple lawsuits against them.

    They change their name and start up again as soon as one arm gets closed down; they take anywhere from $29.99 to $199.99 per whack directly from your checking account;

    They never provide a credit card -- if they ever provide anything it is a "catalog" card; they operate in this country illegally (most originating in Canada) with an American company acting as their ally with credentials to debit your bank accounts (Florida and Las Vegas, most commonly);

    They prey on the unknowing, credit hurting, elderly and young -- truly, lower than the lowest of bottom feeders.

    They are a disease spreading throughout the US with warnings from Canada, and state by state tracking, kinda like the CBC tracks the West Nile Virus.

    Hmmmmmm, no, exactly like the CBC tracks the West Nile Virus!

  11. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    That would be CDC Darlin. :)~

    I was talking about legit businesses of course. These other I wholeheartedly agree.
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    lol fave Butch BABE,

    It darn sure would be CDC, shame on me, where's the white-out?

    Thanks for correcting, BABE ;-)


  13. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree. When a telemarketer pays my phone bill, then they may call me. I have a phone for personal use, not for the benefit of some schmuck to call me and offer to sell me something that if I wanted in the first place, I would call THEM.

    Just my 2 cents =)

  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    I pay the phone bill THEY DON'T...if I wanted their JUNK...I would have called them!!!
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member




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