I finally called Equifax to get an update on my investigation. Somehow, they lumped several investigations into one and apparently they used the last date I disputed for the 30 days...giving themselves another week. I don't even mind though, because the lady gave me the results and they were <drum roll please> Charge-off DELETED 1 30 day late pay - DELETED PAYMENT HISTORY 2 NO STATUS Finance Co. tradelines DELETED My single auto tradeline had a payment history of 4 30 day lates and 1 90 day late. Apparently some of the payment history on this was deleted...but I won't know exactly which ones until they update my report in the next 2 to 3 days. Butttttttt....this means that I have one tradeline showing a late pay and NO OTHER DEROGS!!!!!! I'm so excited I can't begin to say. Will be asking for advice soon on my late pay (long story), but had to share L
I think I told them it wasn't mine. One was from 1996 and the other from 1997 and they were still showing it as too new to rate. This particular company is out of business so I knew they would delete it. I wanted to see if getting rid of finance co. tradelines would improve my score. L
I don't understand how a No Status Tradeline is a derog if there is no status?, sorry just doesn't make much since to me. They won't validate with me either.