YOUR A LOSER~~~If you "LOSE" high interest rates...try to "LOSE" all your interest rates above 9.99%... Many of us here use that figure for our "HIGH END"...(9.99%)
shamelessly addicted. First thing I check in the morning (along with creditexpert of course) and first thing I check when I get home. If your a loser- Im a loser.
You're only a loser because you're an Illini rather than a wolverine. There's nothing wrong with CreditNet addiction. It has saved me thousands already.
Qualifications of a "Loser" What about me? I've lurked here since Nov '01, but never posted until recent... I visit this site each moment I don't have a meeting (at work)...that amounts to almost 4 to 6 hours a day. If there are no interesting daily topics, I just start my reading pleasure with the archives... I used to lurk the CreditWrench and Bay House sites just as much until the topics dwindled or got uninteresting... I review my EXP (via CE) and TU (via their free "I-got-denied" online service) about 4 times a day. Let's not forget the anticipation of weekly Privista CR reviews. I write an average of 2-3 dispute letters to CRA's and creditors each day (minus weekends). I call at least one CRA daily just to get an investigation status...I love it when I get to speak to Carla Blair at EXP (she occassionally does the phone stuff). I don't know...Am I also a loser? TIA, Ted
Re: Qualifications of a "Loser" "Hi my name is kittiekat3 (a.k.a. loser), and I am a addicted to creditnet..." <crowd of creditneters in harmony... "Hiiiiiiii Kittiekat3!">
Re: Qualifications of a "Loser" Your a~~~LOSER~~~when you still get up at 5am to get ready for another day at work...but you are on CREDIT NET instead of at work like you are supposed to be... The night crew keeps on asking why your so tardy...
Welcome to the board - I don't think anybody on here is a loser. We help each other for a particular problem - credit. Occasionally, if the timing and mood are right, you may even be able to appreciate my humor.... Addicted - yes if it means I care about other people I have met here best regards - dogman
You are really a loser when the mailman has to mace you instead of your dog, cause your waiting at the mailbox for the results of your latest dispute.
You find yourself having EXCUSES why you can't work more than 40 hours per week (when just a few months ago you were complaining at ONLY 20 HOURS OF OVER-TIME!!!
SAVED thousands already.... you are exactly right Wolverine! Look at the crap money we would be out - if we could not communicate and report what companies do regarding credit and prices. best regards - Dogman
I got fired from my job for being on CreditNet so much. Now I just rent myself out to women who don't feel comfortable beating their OWN husbands. ~the one and only Toothman! TU 149 EXP Square root of 2 EQ - 204
These responses are starting to sound like those Jeff Foxworthy "Redneck" jokes...not that we have any on this board ;-) I think you're a Creditnet Loser if when you start using forum acronyms (ie. PFB, CRA, CA, CO, BK, CL, EXP, EFX, TU, etc...) when you speak to lenders or insurance companies in letters or on the phone...and they don't understand any of it... (I'm guilty of this also). TIA, Ted