America at its finest

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by Hal, Sep 13, 2001.

  1. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    This was in a local news report this morning:

    "We have all felt some annoyance at times to see panhandlers standing at intersections with their cardboard signs asking for help - often wondering if our donations are feeding a habit or if we are just being scammed.

    Today, I stopped at a local stoplight, seeing once again the same face I have seen so many times holding a sign "Homless veteran, please help..."

    The difference today was this man stood with a plastic grocery bag, filled with little American Flags handing them to drivers as they stopped - I and several others tried to offer this man a dollar or some change - much to my suprise he refused, smiling, said "God Bless America" and moved on.

    Even when at our lowest, having been scorned and judged by those we see daily - True patriotism can still be found in us."

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