American Express constantly checking my credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by milkface, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. milkface

    milkface Active Member

    I opened an AMEX account way back in 1989. I closed the card after going through a bad divorce, and had a charge off in 1997. Suddenly I have four soft pulls from AMEX and the reason given was for an account review. They still report that old account opened in 1989, but say it was paid, never late. What's their game?
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Amex Works it Options Forever

    Amex historically hasn't sold its defaulted accounts to junk debt buyers (that may change now that it's a bank). What it has done is attempted to collect on them forever by means of watching for the debtor's financial recovery and in the appropriate case offering entry into its OASIS program (with an Optima card as a carrot) for debtors who it thinks can and will pay off the old chargeoff.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    If it has no negative history and is from 89', what is the problem? It is a great help.
  4. milkface

    milkface Active Member

    I know it's a great help to have that reporting the way it does, but I just didn't know why they did a soft inquiry 4 times in two days unless they plan on trying to collect on that old CO from 97. It's way past SOL, but it's just annoying to see them checking my credit so often.

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