American Express Old Account

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Mar 16, 2001.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this board but have really learned a lot over the last week or so I've been reading it. After reading most of the board, I've decided to try to clean up my credit reports, which are not in the best of shape. I ordered reports from all three CRAs and got them today.

    My question is this: about 10 years ago I had American Express Optima and Green cards, which I got behind on. The accounts were closed by AMEX and I paid off the balances over the following 12 months, leaving me with no debt to them. The accounts were paid off in 1994 and I never thought about them again. Now I see on my credit reports that my Optima card is reported closed with no balance (and no lates for that matter, for whatever reason!) but my Green card is still reporting as current with a 10 year history, with the most recent report being last month.

    Now, I thought the account was closed, and I do not have a card in my posession (nor have I been paying annual fees since the account was closed). I want to know if this is common, and what I should do about it. My gut tells me to leave it alone and let the positive trade line stay on my credit for as long as AMEX wants to report it. On the other hand, what would happen if I call AMEX and ask if the account was still open? Does anyone think they would send me a card, or would they simply correct the mistake in their computers and list the account as closed and stop reporting it as current to the CRAs?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: American Express Old Accou

    Probably would be best to leave it alone.
  3. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: American Express Old Accou


    Welcome. Surprisingly, it is quite common for a credit card company to not update closed accounts
    to the credit bureau or it could be that the bureau overlooked it. Amexâ??s system probably
    has the account stated as 'closed by company'. Personally, someone pulling your credit
    report doesnâ??t know that. A 10 year old tradeline in good condition is a great mistake.
    See, sometimes the credit bureaus help us without even knowing it.

  4. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: American Express Old Accou

    Thanks for the replys. I don't think it was just the bureaus overlooking it, because it's on all three reports. I am glad I waited and posted in here though. I came into my computer room to look up the 800 number for Amex, but thought that I might run it by some of you nice folks before I made a big mistake.

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