American Home Mortgage

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by razdigital, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. razdigital

    razdigital New Member

    1 30 day late with them last October said they didn't receive the payment and marked me late. Anyone here have any experience with them on getting the late off. Sent them a good will letter but expecting a denial.

    This is the only thing on my credit report and its killing me.

    Please share you experience with this company if you have any please.
  2. Deflepgirl

    Deflepgirl Member

    Raz.... If it's a year old it's probably still dinging you but not as badly as you think.... Is this the ONLY negative on your report?
  3. razdigital

    razdigital New Member

    yes, only thing on there. Haven't been late on anything else in the last 7 years.
  4. Deflepgirl

    Deflepgirl Member

    How is your utilization? If you have CC's are they 30% and below of the limit?
  5. razdigital

    razdigital New Member

    High utilization, haven't been charging anything to the credit cards, but AMEX keeps slashing me.
    costoco card balance :35k @ 15.99 went from cl of 40 to 36,800.00
    clear @ 6300 @ 10.99 cl went from 10k to 6,800.00

    been paying $1000 on the costco card and $500 on the clear, the finance charge eats a chunk of it though.
  6. Deflepgirl

    Deflepgirl Member

    Raz..... :)

    I hate to say it but that's probably what's killing your score..... The Mort. late more than likely is dinging it a *little*........ But high CC utilization can really put it in the toilet.....
  7. razdigital

    razdigital New Member

    trying to pay it off as quickly as possible but AMEX won't budge on the rates. I don't want to apply for any more cards as it would make the score go down even more.

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