I am trying to remove one last negative entry from Equifax. After that, my credit reports will be 100% free of trade lines so I can rebuild my FICO but here is the problem: Creditor: Americredit Account opened: 11/95 Date of last activity: 10/97 Equifax shows the date of last payment as 10/97 which is accurate. When I disputed the entry in January 2005, Americredit said the date of last activity was July 1999 and the account was closed September 2002, both of which are not true. This should have been deleted last November. What is the best way to notify Americredit and Equifax? Thank you.
Do you have the credit report that shows the DOLA of '97? Or any reports that show an "updated" DOLA? I am assuming you disputed the entry as obsolete to EQ? Did you get what Americredit said in writing or was this all done over the phone?
The credit report shows my date of last payment as being 10/97. I disputed to Equifax in January who apparently contacted Americredit that came back with the July 1999 date of last activity THEN said the account was closed in September 2002. Both are untrue. Fact of the matter is my payments ended slightly before 10/97 and the car was repossessed by 10/97. They never came after me for the deficiency and sold it to another creditor that tried to collect after the SOL. When I told the creditor in writing last Fall to back off because it was time dated they complied. I am guessing my next step is to contact Americredit directly?
Can you contact Americredit and find out just what they are considering to be the last activity in 99?
Yes, I would write them and tell them that you have proof that it is obsolete and that they already have violations and if you have to pursue this further, it will be in court. I would go the paper route just to build a paper trail for them to maybe hang themselves with. When you said Americredit came back with the new info, did you get this in writing from them, or was it updated on a credit report that you have a copy of for your records?
It is on my credit report that I pulled yesterday. Americredit says the date of last payment is October 1997 like I mentioned but then shows the date of last activity as July 1999 which is incorrect. I successfully disputed their outdated entry on my TU and Experian and got those deleted nearly 8 months ago. I will contact them via mail with a CRRR instead of telephone so I can establish the paper trail. Should I make one last call to Equifax also?
I was thinking about that last night. If you have the copy of the old report, you can try to call (or even better of course is to write) EQ and hope for someone who will help you. I would think that suddenly changing what has been reported would be enough of a red flag for them to at least consider removing it. Of course, you will want to pursue it w/ americredit so there are no reinsertions later on. Also, in your letter to Americredit, I would ask for validation somewhere in it to further call their bluff. They want to report that, let them send it to you in writing.
Thanks for the input. I did try to talk with EQ today and they would not listen and said they must again check with Americredit. I have sent Americredit a notice via CRRR asking for deletion or I will take legal action.
Send Americredit a validation letter by CMRRR. When you get the green card back dispute the entry on the CR as obsolete.... You may be able to collect a few $$ for FDCPA violations as they try to sort things out