Hello all, I know I've said a "four" letter word in that subject line, but I need help. (disclaimer: I've asked this before and I'll ask it again- I already know the bad things about Ameridebt and other debt counseling services. Spare me the lecture, please, you're not telling me anything new. For some reason people only seem to post to rag about how bad these are, and offer very little info I can really use.) I had an Amex account with Ameridebt. The terms of the Amex account were a 0% interest, but it was kind of complicated how that worked. Anyhow, long story short I requested the pay off balance in July which was around 165.00. I arranged for a one-time EFT of 165.00 to pay that off. So it happens on 8/7/04. I had made it clear via phone and fax that ALL SUBSEQUENT EFT draws were to be cancelled, but guess what happens on 9/7/04. . another 165.00 is drawn out. on top of that, I have NOT seen my Amex balance dropped to zero. I've emailed, faxed, and written Ameridebt about this. No response. I've reported it as a fraudulent draw against my account to the bank, but since I did give them permission at one time to make EFTs against my account they pretty much said. .take it up with them. I think this constitutes as fraud in some way shape or form, but what am I gonna do. .threaten with a lawsuit? Ameridebt's got so many lawsuits against them right now it ain't even funny. Doubt another mar on their record is going to matter much. What are some things I should try? Ideas, please. I need that 165.00 back, and I need my Amex paid off! I appreciate anything you can offer to help. Trish
Just to make sure - have you contacted AMEX to see if they've recieved payment? I mean, when you say you haven't seen your balance drop to 0 are you looking at your credit report or getting that directly from your statement?
ok, and an actual thought instead of a dumb question - if AMEX has no record of payment, I would suggest you go ahead and pay them directly if they'll accept it, then file suit in small claims court agains Ameridebt for theft/breach of contract etc. File for the 2 payments and whatever punitive damages the courts in your area will allow, up to the maximum small claims allowence. If Ameridebt bothers to show up, they'll have to produce a credible explanation of where your money went, and if they don't bother, you'll win a default judgement. Also, check with your bank to determine how to stop future drafts. Good luck! Poochie
I agree. Ask AMEX to give you a letter stating that they haven't received the payment (or when they received it if they finally did). Get your back statements showing the draw and file a small claims suit against them. Even if AMEX got it eventually, I'd ask them to prove what they did with your money. AND--I'd write a letter to your state's Attorney General. I'd document the whole story. And send a copy to both your Senators and your Congressman. Send a copy to every Senator and Congressmen on the banking committees. At the bottom of each of these letters (we've got to be well over a dozen by now), put CC: Ameridebt. Then take copies of all those letters and send them to Ameridebt. Maybe that will get someone's attention.