Amex and Chapter 7

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by courtney, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. courtney

    courtney Active Member

    Is it possible to still *keep* an amex green if you are filing chapter 7? I have about 2k owed on it, do I have to include it in the bk? If I do keep it out of the bk, will amex find out I filed and cancel it? Is it possible to get an amex account if I do list it on the bk? Any info. anyone has would be helpful. Thanks!
  2. direct

    direct Well-Known Member

    Although, I have heard of a few exceptions, Amex will eventually find out you filed for bk and revoke your card, it may not happen immediately, could be 6 months down the road.

    You could pay the 2k and argue that you did not include them in the BK because you pay your balance in full each month therefore you did not owe them anything so you didn't have to include them.

    Regardless of the argument, once Amex sees the
    BK on your credit report, it's done.

    They do have a program that if your account is paid in full, you can get another Amex account in time after your BK is discharged. However if you owe them money they have a memory that never forgets.
  3. Diane1432

    Diane1432 Active Member

    Do you have info about the program?

    My husband's Amex card was cancelled (corporate) in 2001 when he took three months to pay a balance in full. He made a deal that they would not put anything negative on his CR and they did not except for "closed by credit granter" We are right out of BK 2005(AMEX not included)and if he gets another job that requires a Corp card, will it be a problem?
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Was the account paid in full before being closed?
  5. Diane1432

    Diane1432 Active Member

    Yes, It was wierd. They worked with him for three months and there is no record of ever being late but it was closed by the creditor.
  6. courtney

    courtney Active Member

    What if the debt is 're-affirmed' after the BK is filed? My atty. said I could do this, and amex would be apt to agree to it, to avoid losing it as a write-off. My concern is that I'll pay it and then they will cancel my account. Any thoughts on re-affirming credit cards after BK?

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