Anyone use the AMEX bill pay online option? I want to pay on bill now since I charge over the weekend but it won't let me. Anyone have an idea how long it takes before the charges appear?
Usually,it depends on how quickly the receipts are processed thru the merchants bank;you may wish to give it a couple extra days due to the X-mas activity. Sister Girl
AMEX online bill payment or phone payment wont let you pay for unbilled charges only for current balance but if you overnight a check they will accept that. When I had my AMEX I was constantly making payments before they were due.
If you have a second credit card account with on-line balance transfer option (like NEXT CARD), you can over pay your AMERICAN EXPRESS BILL IF YOU NEED TO!!! (it took <48 hours)
Eboni - you probably need to wait about 5 biz days. I had to "learn" to pay online also. You can pay ahead via epay...BUT: 1. last paid bill $500 2. you can pay any amt up to $500 again, but not over what your last bill balance shows. 3. If I chg $1500 in new charges, I can epay $500 each time, and must wait 3 biz days between those transactions. Hope this helps - Dogman
I use the online pay for AMEX all the time. I love it, it is so quick. My payment usually shows up within two days. Deb