AMEX dilemma

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by edoggie, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member


    I had an AMEX green card a few years ago and was doing very well with it until I lost my job. The account eventually charged off and also fell off my credit reports since it's beyond seven years.

    Fast forward to now:

    It's time to meet the maker (again). I'm starting with a new company and the word around is that the expenses are handled solely through the AMEX corporate card.

    Thoughts before Questions:

    If I apply for this card, AMEX might pulled my credit . My credit is MUCH better than it used to be. In fact I just bought a house and am receiving lines of credit; however, AMEX allegedly keeps an internal blacklist.

    My question is, how do I make amends with AMEX without jeopardizing myself: The risk of resetting the Statute of Limitations!. At anytime during my repayment period, AMEX could send this off for collections and I really don't fell like dealing with that mess now.

    I know technically they can't touch my reports but we know how stupid NCO and gang is about credit reporting. I really don't feel like suing anyone now.


    1) What's the best way of making amends with AMEX to get things back 'the way they used to be'?

    2) Will paying it back even make a difference or am I scarred for life with them. If this is the case, there is no incentive in paying especially with the potential risk involved. (keep your morale speeches to yourself... the search engine here can bring me many if I ever needed to read/hear one)

    3)Is there a chance of getting the corporate card under my new employer without this old debt showing up during the credit check process ? (highly unlikely)

    Any guidance is appreciated. I really do want to do business with AMEX again but I don't know what will happen and if they will keep their word in the event of them offering me a chance to correct this old debt and resstablish a credit relationship with them.

    Let me know folks...
  2. drumik

    drumik Member

    Oasis program from AMEX

    I had a charge off with them, paid it off and they gave me half of credit line that I used to have (my scores were about 540 at that time)
    Good luck
    just found their phone number
    914 921 3062
  3. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    WOW!!!! excellent.

    Can you state some breif details about the program and also how did they report on your credit afterwords.
  4. drumik

    drumik Member

    That is the way program is working...
    Let say you have a charge off with AMEX for 4k
    You call Oasis paying let say 2K and for 35$ fee you getting a new card from Amex with 1$ Credit Limit..

    PS don't call general AMEX phone number because those guys won't be able to transfer you over Oasis department

    Good luck
    PS I send a goodwill letter after 1 year and they delete my account from CRA
  5. credit6949

    credit6949 Well-Known Member

    Is that Oasis number correct?

    I've tried calling several times. All it does is ring with no answer.
  6. credit6949

    credit6949 Well-Known Member

  7. credit6949

    credit6949 Well-Known Member

    ---bumping one last time---
  8. drumik

    drumik Member

    the phone number is correct
    I just spoke with AMEX and now they were able to transfer over to OASIS
  9. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    What number did you call at AMEX? I tried the 914 # and am not getting AMEX? I only owe them 311 and I can easily pay that off over 3 months and I'd like to get back on their good side
  10. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    I just finished with the oasis program... I don't have that number... mine is 888-232-3261 (think you have to press 2 to talk to someone)
    ask for Cindy Braley (she was my case worker)
    (she may have transferred recently, but anyone at this number can help you)

    Payment address once you call and talk to them...

    PO Box 360001
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL

    or talk to Mehdi Touhidi (his name is on my letter)

    tell them that you recently talked to someone that was in the program

    You WILL NOT get approved trying online... you need the number at the bottom of the letter they send you 1 month after you pay off account.
    Make a PHOTOCOPY BEFORE you fill it out in so you don't have to wait on another letter if you screw up filling it out.

    Hope this helps. It took me about 80 calls to get my card (got the letter Feb 20 and paid off within a week) Will have my card this Monday or Tuesday (Had to harass the crap outta them since they were "redoing" the oasis letter)

    good luck..
  11. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    Thanks I will call them tomorrow :)
  12. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    Thanks I will call them tomorrow :)
  13. Steve123

    Steve123 Member

    I just czalled them to inquire about my Amex acct that was included in my 1995 bk. The lady on the phone said there was no account on record with their dept. So if the acct was included in a bk then the Oasis program won't work?
  14. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    I never did BK... so I am not sure....


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