Has anyone who has the amex secured Optima and able to access your account online, have u ever cliked on the button that says request credit limit increase??.. does this really work??? Thanks.. Mike
RE: Amex Optima Secured Questi I access my account online. Yes, I have clicked the button, recently, and I have not received a response.
RE: Amex Optima Secured Questi Yes I have secured Optima and before they changed the format of the site, it said that my request was being processed. I got a letter in the mail stating that the only way to increase my limit was to send additonal funds. Then they changes the formate to the new one and I clicked on the button and it said that a line increase wasn't available for his account.
RE: Amex Optima Secured Questi I access my account all the time, you can also pay your bill online. It won't work for an increase. YOu have to send in $$$