has anyone been successful getting a citibank card or amex card with a bk on the report? if so, what card product did you get? tia
From what I understand Amex will not issue any product with a bk on file. Dogman is the only poster that I know of who convinced Amex to over-ride the bk. Since than other posters have posted that over-ridding a bk is no longer allowed at Amex. As for Citibank, I think they have a 7 year rule. It's not gospel, but will they will consider you after 7 years. Of course this is assuming that you did not bk on them. Generally speaking, most if not all prime cc lenders will not extend credit with a bk on file. Heck some of the prime lenders will not even issue a secured card with a bk on file. As for me, I have a bk-13 on file from 1996. During this period I have applied to Citibank and Amex (more than three times, for the Green, Gold and the once offered secured Optima). I am not going to waste anymore inquiries on them until my bk fall off. Best regards, Mirage
right SAM - and you know that if AMEX does give a card - do not expect to be upgraded to anything until it disappears! later - dogman
I have a 1998 bk that I included Citibank and I did get approved for the secured Washington Mutual Visa issued by Citibank.
Hey Dogman, nice to hear from you again. The Washington Mutual Visa card "classic" is a nice looking card. The online website is easy to use. I got this card because I needed a replacement card for my FCNB mastercard that I closed. I hope you get your Washington Mutual Visa card. I wish you good luck !
Yup- my Ch7 was 7 years old in June, and they approved me - no additional pleading needed. It wasn't instant on-line, but did happen w/in the next day or two. Amex used to do it after 7 years, but no more according to a rep I spoke with. Chase, FUSA also can't do it while it still shows on your CR. B of A will consider it - you may have to plead your case. Good luck, mj PS: all this assumes you're not on a blacklist (don't expect Citi to give you a card if you BKd on them).
Amex will give you a corporate card or an AU card with a bk on your history assuming you didn't bk AMEX (that will put you on their blacklist). However, as you know, if you bk Amex and then repay them in full... 1 year afterwards you're clear of the blacklist and may apply for a corp or an AU card. Or, you may repay Amex and then try for an AU or corp card while still on their blacklist. I did that and got it without having to ask for reconsideration. They saw it was paid and issued So you can have an Amex... it's the type of Amex you can have. As for a real card on your own, the bk must now drop... but that may change in the next year or 2 as the economy picks back up (everybody is a bit tight right now).
1. what's the Washington Mutual secured card annual fee? Interest rates? 2. Does it report? if so, as citi/wamu? secured or no notation? thanks it doesn't say on the WAMU website
mj how did you find out you were approved for the Citi Illumina? were you contacted or did they contact you? tia
Hi Marie, annual fee is $35, interest rate is 16.05% for purchases and cash. The card does report as Assoc/Citi, Installment account secured.