AMEX Platinum Card - For real?!?!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, May 28, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi all - well MP$40 drove me nuts getting her AMEX
    Fidelity Platinum Charge. I looked at Fidelity site closely and thought I might open an account and use the MP$40 method to get a Platinum Card.

    I decided what the hell - called AMEX retention.
    I gave the gentleman my info on my Green and told him after 2 years of spending $5K-$10K monthly, I wanted to upgrade to GOLD.

    He said he could do it - then he looked closer and told me that with my amount of charging and payment history, I should get the Platinum Card! Gulp....

    He explained the numerous benefits, then told me he would send out my new Platinum Charge Card within 5 days. He also told me that all my current MR points, etc would be transferred to the Platinum

    He told me the price was $395 - I said OK!
    He again said he would take care of it for me and again said I would receive the new Platinum Charge within 5 days. He told me to continue to use the Green Card until the Platinum Charge Card arrived.

    Can it be true? I think its finally happening!

    Much more to follow - best - dogman
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    my little bro uses his amex gold like $20/per month. He got the upgrade offer after about 6 months.

    amex is really hurtin for money these days..
  3. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    Congrats dogman, it's nice to see other board members movin on up!!
  4. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Sam - that may have been the reason they just "did it" instead of making me apply!

    This time was different - it could also be 24 months of great payment history - don't care - I am thrilled!

    BUT, I still have my Maxima. LOL!

    aarrfff - dogman
  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    THX Steve - I have come a long way - just like everyone on this board. THIS is this the Card I have always dreamed of - I really did not want the Gold - I wanted the Platinum - just didn't think I had a rats chance ...

    I remember starting with the lousy low limit Providian - it took 5 years to rebuild to AMEX PLAT!

    best - dogman
  6. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member

    Congrats!!! Sounds like this is for really. :)
  7. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    CONGRATS Dogman!! You will love the Plat Amex Charge. It IS everything you are looking forward to. After destroying my credit years ago I started over with all I could get...the unbelievably hideous ARIA card...$500 OUCH Only used over the net, LOL.

    I know how great you feel today. Hope you thoroughly enjoy the benefits you have earned. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    BIG Arrrrrf!! and an Arooooooooooo!

    Way 2 Go Dog. Man that is great to see. Sounds like it was a combination of your loyalty and your making good use of the card. $395, I hope you use the benefits though.

    Congrats Dog.

    -Peace, Dave
  9. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    THX Monica - yes this was different:
    they used to bounce me and transfer me to the
    "APPLY for AMEX" reps if I ever wanted an upgrade.

    This time, "I'll take care of it for you and you will have the Card in 5 days!" They actually acted like they LIKED and APPRECIATED my business.

    This is great - they don't hand these things out unless you have somehow proved yourself (or have a perfect credit record).

    It took me getting to the right Account Manager to get the Green Card in the first pace - and it took a call to retention 2 years later to get upgraded to the Platinum Card.

    On the AMEX site - score driven, I still only pre-qualify for an ADDITIONAL CARD....LOL!

    I will obviously post the Card's arrival!

    aarrfff dogman
  10. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi Jeff! Hi Nave! THX - again I will dance when it arrives - but I sure feel like I have achieved something today!

    Jeff - my NET CARDS are the FCNB cards - LOL!
    Nave - I travel frequently, on a moment's notice.
    I am thrilled - even if I did not use the benefits, I still would have paid the $395 to "sport" that Platinum Charge! Yes, i would pay $2500 for the Centurion Card - but over 40 years....

    thx all - wow, I am thrilled - and waiting for MP$40 to respond as well - aarrffff. doggin it dogman
  11. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Congratulations dogman!!! Charlie
  12. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I first read this and thought I was dreaming (just got back from taking a 1 hr. power nap in my car...the weekend killed me). I am stunned and amazed. My mouth is on the floor! :-O

    Just remember this: AMEX will send you a letter to confirm all of this. If they don't, then be skepticle. When does your billing cycle end? The day your cycle ends is when they will send you your new card. It will take about 4-5 business days. Mine closed on the 19th and I got my card on the 25th. So, check your closing date! They will NOT send you a card before then. Don't fall for the banana in the tailpipe like I did when I was trying to go from secured Optima to Gold Charge. Rep gave me that same dog and pony show. It wasn't until I went from SkyMiles to Optima Platinum did I learn about the confirmation letter, closing date, etc.

    O.k. so Postrio? You name the date and time! :)
  13. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member



    That's an amazing accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you'd like to add an au, I'll help you out ;)

    Hey MP,

    I heard that the Fidelity Amex is as difficult to get as the nonaffinity Amex... so kudos again to you :_)
  14. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Plan B!

    Gee...I wonder if I can steal Will Smith from Jada and see if he'll add me on as AU on his Centurion Black card??? HA! That's the only plan I've been able to come up with so far...

    Postrio's....oh boy! We can both pull out our cards and fight over who's going to pick up the check...but I'll let you win of course! LOL...

    Lobster sandwich and a Mimosa, please!
  15. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Yes it definately is. I also want to add that I was denied the first time I applied. I inquired why and they said that it's the same approval standards as if you were trying to get a regular Gold Charge card. I didn't give up and decided to wait. A year went past and WALA, got the Gold! Then I decided to upgrade (like they state on the web site) by calling this certain 800 number. It was so effortless and took 2 seconds. Rep transfered me to someone at the Centurion Bank, they went over details and that was that.
  16. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member are barking with the BIG dogs now.

    Woof ! Woof !

    Sister Girl
  17. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    THX for the BOLD PRINT LOL? Yup Postrio!
    But MP$40 - again, I will believe it when it shows up.
    FYI - My bill cycle just ended - the 20TH.

    I'll hope for a letter, and the Card anyway.

    It was different this time - he simply said, I'll take care of it for you..and, HE recommended the PLAT vs Gold Rewards.

    aarrfff - thx for the great recognition - doggin it waiting for my PLAT Card - think they mailed it yet?

    arroo - dogman
  18. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlie - THX - keeping my fingers crossed....question - Do you drive a Lexus?

    aarrfff - dogman
  19. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    THX Marie - but of course you are the LEADER in "taking care of business..." LOL!

    aarrfff - is this real? - yes it did happen? - dogman
  20. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Can't believe it Sistergirl!

    Whats REALLY Fantastic is that I will be going into a credit report with NO NEGATIVES, and 36 Satisfactory ACCTS - A/O 11/03.
    Leading the way will be the AMEX Platinum. AMEX still reports the highest monthly bill on all agencies - $9434. That was my Australia trip.

    My strategy today was different also. When I went to retention, the guy said, "you wish to close your AMEX account? Can I take a look please?..."

    Then I old him I had never been upgraded after 2 years and $5K-$10K monthly always paid on time.
    THEN he started....

    best 6 - LOL - dogman

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