AMEX reconsideration?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ACX, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. ACX

    ACX Well-Known Member

    I was curious to see how everyone goes about getting someone to review their credit application by phone. I was denied for the AMEX Blue (kinda figured it would happen) but I know people have had luck speaking with the right people and having it overturned. What numbers did you call? How did you get a supervisor or whoever on the phone? I can never seem to get past the csr to get to talk to anyone that can do these things. Any tips from people who've had success will be greatly appreciated.
  2. rjones2002

    rjones2002 Well-Known Member

    Call New Acccounts dept. 1-800-962-7227 ask to speak with a supervisor for reconsideration. Initally, I applied for an amex blue cash and was declined. I called new accounts dept and spoke with supervior. Supervisor reviewed my history with them (already have amex green rewards) and manually approved. Do you already have another card with them for leverage?
  3. rjones2002

    rjones2002 Well-Known Member

    could try pfb, dont know success of them though
  4. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    I called the called the # mentioned and, even though after hours, somehow managed to get someone who put in reconsideration and was approved within the hour. I didn't have to ask for a supervisor. Good luck
  5. ACX

    ACX Well-Known Member

    I dont have an AMEX card currently, but my payment history for the last year has been spotless and ive payed off a ton of debts. My score in one year when from 472 to 617. Im hoping this works. I'll call them on Monday and see what kind of luck I have.
  6. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    So, do you have negatives on your reports from before 1 year? What kind?
  7. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Some negatives are OK with AMEX. Heck, wife was 30-days late with AMEX and they still increased her limit and dropped the APR.

    AMEX is a little more lax on credit approvals these days. I remember reading Nana's post BK friendly creditors and back in 2001 I think, MJ was saying like amex used to consider 7 years after BK, but not anymore. Don't know if thats still true or not.

    Tell us about any negatives you have and we can help
  8. ACX

    ACX Well-Known Member

    I have alot of 30+ day lates in 2002. I also show a student loan from sallie mae that was "assigned to govt" which use to show as a chargeoff. Thats about it. I only have one inquiry showing on my report (the one from AMEX) and I have a perfect payment history for 2003. I owe a total of about $5000 in revolving credit and installment accounts. I dont currently have any regular visa/mastercard accounts open on my report, but I dont think that would have anything to do with the denial. Like I said earlier I have a 617 Fico, which isnt great but I figured that if someone saw my payment history they would know im good for at least a $500 limit at the very worst.
  9. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: AMEX reconsideration?

    If you owe 5K but don't have any open V/MC, where is the revolving balance.?

    AMEX needs to see at a minimum 1 open revolving account with 12 months history. 2 open accounts with 2+ years is optimal.

    Blue min. CL is 2K. I'd ask to start with Green if they deny the blue card.

    The 30-days are not a real biggie, AMEX can live with that. It's the 60,90 stuff that they can't live with

    Does the SL show up in the neg. section of your CR's?.

    Finally, when you make the call to new accounts, ask to resubmit for reconsideration or ask to speak to a supervisor to explain the reasons for denial. If you add enough positive stuff, it could work.
  10. steveme

    steveme New Member

    Re: Re: AMEX reconsideration?

    I had this same review but unfortunately they denied me due to not submitting the correct documents.

    My question is can I just reapply online for new cards. I have 756TU and 734 EQ. This would make things a lot easier for me.

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