Amex Secured?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by David, Apr 3, 2000.

  1. David

    David Well-Known Member

    Is the Amex Optima secured card a good deal?
  2. Barry N

    Barry N Guest


    The Secured Amex Optima is a nice way to get an Amex Card. However, be aware that this account ONLY creates a "credit history" with AMEX. It is not reported to the CRA's, unless you screw up. :)

    If you want to carry an AMEX card, then go for it.


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  3. CardReport

    CardReport Guest

    As I understand it, Amex does *not* report the secured Optima to the credit bureaus until they de-secure the card, at which time they apparantly submit all of the information leading up to that point. Supposedly, the first review for possible de-securing is when the account is a year old. Of course, individual circumstances, including the general condition of the cardholder's credit report will effect the decision.

    I suppose some people might want the "prestige" factor of Amex.
  4. CardReport

    CardReport Guest

    As I understand it, Amex does *not* report the secured Optima to the credit bureaus until they de-secure the card, at which time they apparantly submit all of the information leading up to that point. Supposedly, the first review for possible de-securing is when the account is a year old. Of course, individual circumstances, including the general condition of the cardholder's credit report will effect the decision.

    I suppose some people might want the "prestige" factor of Amex.
  5. dudu afric

    dudu afric Guest

    I am higly intrested in america express secured card can you please send me a number to call to request for the secure card application or the web page where i can fill out the application
  6. Customer S

    Customer S Guest

    dudu african wrote:
    I am higly intrested in america express secured card can you please send me a number to call to request for the secure card application or the web page where i can fill out the application

    Dear Mr. African DooDoo,

    A man of your intellect should be ashamed to stoop so low as to carry a "secured" card from a second rate, fly-by-night outfit like america express. Trade up to the Credit Card Bulletin Board's new Genius Card. Designed for the cognitive elite, and we mean you DooDoo, your credit limit is equal to your IQ! We'll start you out at $70, DooDoo and grant you an increase when you master English. Simply FED-EX your small $150.00 application fee and we'll rush your new Genius Card to you right away!

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