Amex, who need em!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by humpy, Sep 22, 2000.

  1. humpy

    humpy Guest

    Had a problem with Amex in 92 ($500), and have made an attempt to repay them and they said they do not want my money.

    Amex in nothing more than a glorified debit card. I know all of the positives you get from amex, but they are a "charge card", not a credit card. They just save you the hassle from having to write many checks, to just writing just one check every month.

    F**k them, 40% of the American population has had credit problems, but many learn from their mistakes. Maybe they should have a heart, and get on the bandwagon with Cap One and Providian.

    that's all I have to say,

  2. Michael

    Michael Guest

    They have gotten on the same band wagon and have a secured optima card!
  3. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Band Wagon?

    They tried to get on that band wagon but fell off! That card isn't even being offered right now (you know this Michael!). Besideds, who cares....the card isn't even reported to the Credit Bureaus. I got my card just before they put a hold on the secured Optima. Then I found out that it would be reported and basically was building up my credit with in Am/Ex, therefore getting me no where! Don't get me wrong, Am/Ex is a GREAT card to have but not if it's not being reported. I might as well use my visa check card!

    Sorry for the attitude, I'm just venting....
  4. Rich Guy

    Rich Guy Guest

    Maybe they refused your payment simply because they thought you were adding some implied conditions as you offered it.

    I can't believe they wouldn't even accept payment. Others have paid old debts to AmEx and then gone on to negotiate for new cards. However, you need a good story, preferably a true one. You also need to forget any notion of getting a new account right after repaying the old one. AmEx is guaranteed to take their time.
  5. jason

    jason Well-Known Member

    You are correct, the original AMEX card is a glorified debit card, and that is why I love it and use it. I have gotten back over $2,000 in two years by using my card. No debit card could offer that!! My parents are buying a new home for $230,000 and puttin the whole thing on my card. No other card on the market would allow a purchase that big--but with no pre-set limit I can and I will walk away with tons of Membership Rewards points! Also, you can't bag AMEX just for one card. They have over 30 card products are NOT charge or pay in full cards that offer great rewards, benefits, and interesst rates--like Blue, the Optima platinum, the Delta Skymiles, etc.
    Hey, that is nobel that you offered to pay-off the charge-off, but why complain and get bitter because they refused?
  6. jason

    jason Well-Known Member

    Dogman can add some great insight to these comments--where are you Dogman??
  7. Jo

    Jo Guest

    Me & Dog need 'em!

    Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how much me and the Dog rely on our cards? I love my AmEx card! Glorified debit card? MAYBE! But, it's the best looking "debit card" I've ever seen! Debit cards don't give you the protection AmEx does! Let's not even get into how much muscle they have when dealing with disputes!
    There's a lady whose father died while in a foreign country- AmEx arranged for delievery of his posessions back to the US, creamation of the body, transportation of the ashes....and, didn't charge a damn cent.
    Also, when a man had a heart attack, he needed transportation to Stanford Medical and AmEx arranged for a private plane, private car, and a PRIVATE NURSE.
    That's not bullshit! It's all there on
    AmEx is the best and those of us who carry it know that!
    Huh, Dog?!?!?!
  8. humpy

    humpy Guest

    RE: My point is this......

    Amex is a great card.

    I had my Amex card for 5 years before I came across some unfortunate circumstances (got sick and was out of work for 2 months). Needless to say my finances fell apart without 2 months pay. My point here is that I had 5 years of spotless credit with Amex. They just seem to show no mercy for those (most of those) with past credit problems. I'm not bitter, it is just that Amex has this sense that they are at the top of the food chain. I have had perfect credit for the past 8 years, and among other cards, I have 6 visa's and mcards. Besides all of the perks that you get with a Amex card (let's face it, most of us never use those perks, we just use the card to charge for the status), an Amex card is used for nothing more than to charge only those purchases that we plan on paying off within a month. Like I originally said "a glorified debit card". I have a visa card that I use in the same way as an Amex card. I only use it for purchases that I plan on paying off when the bill is due. Amex needs to get with the times and take a chance on those that are rebuilding their credit and making great progress (and I'm not referring to the secured Optima). I am only 36, and I could be a potential Amex customer for the next 50 years.

    stating a real world point!

  9. LadyCarr

    LadyCarr Guest

    RE: Me & Dog need 'em!

    That was "WELL SAID", and I guess I need Amex too.

    Jo wrote:
    Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how much me and the Dog rely on our cards? I love my AmEx card! Glorified debit card? MAYBE! But, it's the best looking "debit card" I've ever seen! Debit cards don't give you the protection AmEx does! Let's not even get into how much muscle they have when dealing with disputes!
    There's a lady whose father died while in a foreign country- AmEx arranged for delievery of his posessions back to the US, creamation of the body, transportation of the ashes....and, didn't charge a damn cent.
    Also, when a man had a heart attack, he needed transportation to Stanford Medical and AmEx arranged for a private plane, private car, and a PRIVATE NURSE.
    That's not bullshit! It's all there on
    AmEx is the best and those of us who carry it know that!
    Huh, Dog?!?!?!
  10. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hey All! My Amex response OK?

    Humpy, its not even close to a debit card but you can easily use it that way.
    I do e-pay my bill. AMEX on a credit report leads to a prime home loan.

    I have a fabulous VISA GOLD Check Card.
    I had plenty of cash and overdraft on the account. Several thousand.
    I tried to buy a watch and was declined-
    single purchase per day limit $1000.

    Thats when I really understood the REAL VALUE of NO PRE SET LIMIT.
    I will never worry about using the Visa Check to hold a room, then have a check go into overdraft protection, just because
    the hotel blocked extra money I which I was unaware.

    You may be able to work out things with
    a different AMEX Rep.

    I don't know Humpy - I called em and offered to pay em back - because it was, in my mind something I needed to do to set things right in my own personal overall picture.

    I didn't ever expect to be able to get a new Card, but was then talking to an Acct Mgr about my past illness situation. She offered to help me and told me to get a Green Card.
    She approved me - regardless of when the computer score declined me. BUT, I wasn't conning them or being anything but truthful.

    They understood illness issues, and immediately issued a Green Card.

    But, I think some people reading this board are getting out their checkbooks hoping to pay a past AMEX bill- figuring its a fast way to a new card.
    Amex certainly makes exceptions, but they are the premier credit card company.
    They are selective as hell.
    If you stiffed them royally, why would they care to have you come back?

    OK - Dogman

    I saw from your second email that you actually loved the card for several yrs.
  11. Stick

    Stick Guest

    RE: Me & Dog need 'em!

    Isn't the Mercedes due for a tune up and oil change? Who do you think you are?
    Remember where you came from @!#$.
  12. Chet

    Chet Well-Known Member

    5 strong years with Amex!

    Amex can't compare to a debit card. Your missing my point - for those (most of those) rebuilding credit and doing a great job, they show no mercy! I have called and tried to explain my situation from 1992, and they said they do not want my money (I'm sure the CEO of Amex would be thrilled to hear that), I am not asking for anything in return, just the chance to repay them their money. They say no dice!

    I have a online brokerage account which I use to buy and sell stocks (not with Amex, but they could be getting my business if they would show me some respect). Last year alone, I spent over $3,000 in commissions for stock purchases.

    I buy mutual funds, insurance, travelers checks (but not from Amex).

    Bottom line:
    - If you have past credit problems, they treat most of us like dirt!
  13. Saar

    Saar Banned

    RE: My point is this......

    "an Amex card is used for nothing more than to charge only those purchases that we plan on paying off within a month. Like I originally said 'a glorified debit card'."

    That is plain wrong. I have an Amex Optima Platinum. It is not a debit card, and not even a charge card. It is 110% credit card that lets you revolve balance, and you *don't* have to pay it in full every month.

    Amex was the only creditor who was willing to give me such a card when my credit history in the US was (still is) incredibly short - All based on my foreign ties with them.

    In that respect a credit card is always better than a charge card, in that even if you fall ill for 2 months, you'd nomally still be able to pay the minimum amount due, hence avoiding the risk of becoming delinquent.

  14. Michael

    Michael Guest

    RE: Band Wagon?

    The card is not being solicited right now, but applications are still being accepted.

    As for not being reported, I agree that it isn't a great programme, but I've told you all a way around that.

    Write toi the bureaus and get it manually inputed!
  15. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    CMON Stick!

    Hey Stick - I know Jo and that ain't the case at all. Remember where you come from?
    We're both from the SF Bay Area!
  16. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Rich Guy - I always enjoy your commentary.
    You state things clearly and precisely.

    I enjoyed your slightly understated sarcasm with your "particularly a true one" when referring to a story for AMEX. :)

    FYI, in my case, the old paid off check was watched for by my Acct Mgr, she saw it clear within about 4 business days.

    I then called the Acct Mgr and she said call 1800THECARD and apply now. She would watch for the application. She approved me the next day. I had the Card about 3-4 days later.

    In my case, from writing the check to receiving the Card - about 2 weeks. GREAT HUH?

    Thanks for sharing your posts RG :) Dogman
  17. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    RE: Me & Dog need 'em!

    Hey Jo :)
  18. Jo

    Jo Guest

    RE: CMON Stick! & Message

    Hey Dog!
    Stick- it's ok...but no, the Mercedes doesn't need an oil just got one...the Bently needs a tune up, though...come to think of it, so does the Beamer...
  19. Rich Guy

    Rich Guy Guest

    Thank you, Dogman. Yours is one of the great stories of the "credit repair" genre.

    I would guess you had rebuilt your credit record to some point, however short of perfection, where all it took was paying the debt to make you acceptable again. Humpy can look forward to such a day himself.
  20. Rich Guy

    Rich Guy Guest

    OK, maybe they made an exception in your case. I've been reading everyone's posts, and it doesn't look too good for some of my conclusions about Humpy's case.

    Stay healthy, Dogman.
    Hang in there, Humpy.

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