Ok - I CANNOT TELL A LIE! (Well - okay - I can - but NEVER to my fellow Creditnetters I'm obviously unable to honor my various "I will not apply" oaths so I'm not going to make any more declarations of that sort. In any case - i apologize for making empty promises... YUP - I broke down and applied for an Atlantic Coast Federal Credit Card. Cardoffers.com gave them a good review - with - EXCELLENT rates - 9% on purchases AND cash advances. So - I called them - found out they check Equifax abd give instant approval via their site. My Equifax TODAY was 738 (transferred balances that haven't shown up yet on the card I transferred to - but showed ather cards as having hardly any debt - so it's a temporary score boost) and I couldn't RESIST the urge to see what kind of line I'd get with a 738 score. I KNOW I KNOW - it's wrong - it's bad - kbanger - can we still be friends? ANYHOO - Here's what I get after hitting the SUBMIT button and wait on PINS and NEEDLES for 2 minutes: congrats Mar
oops - I'll continue in a moment - accidently hit the submit reply button - and in the meantime they want me to do some work at my office - (the NERVE!!!)
Sir, My hat goes off to you for confessing and apologizing.... Feels good to be bad huh? ;-) LOL.........
JUST answer one question: WHO was really asking for the LOC info, you or your imaginary "friend" A GIGANTIC shame on you for applying, but I am glad you got the card and did not waste an inquiry. By the way, how many cards do you have? and how many do you really need? I only need two, A charge card like Amex green and something like the citi illumina or gm or discover with like a 2000cl. My EX is still at 600 FAKO with the judgement, 6 student loans and 2 charge-offs, which are paid. NO more collections on EX. Now just waiting for the Trick to do its thing and bring inq. down. I am still mad by the way.
Back to previous post: So it tells me Congrats Mark LA - you've been approved for a visa credit card...... Loan amount: 15000 APR: 13.7% HUH? The 15K is nice - but the site said 9% DANG! At the bottom of the page it says "Atlantic Coast Federal reserves the right to request written verification of income used to qualify this transaction and also reserves the right to review this application with a loan officer for final approval" It goes on to say that a loan officer will call me tomorrow for a little chit chat. i'm gonna try to get the apr down and see what they need for income verification. I'll keep CN posted. Mark LA
GULP My friend was imaginary - but we've been friend for a really long time I have - gulp again - 9 cards. My total cl - if i decide to accept this one - is - big gulp - 94K. (I came to this country 8 years ago - 5 years ago I had 1 card with a 2K limit. I LOVE AMERICA!!!!)
I love America too, Okay we will make a deal. Once you reach 100k that is all until you find yourself a spouse. Okay?!!!!
I love America too, Okay we will make a deal. Once you reach 100k that is all until you find yourself a spouse. Okay?!!!! By the way what is your country of origin?
Platinum, KB: I was born in the USA (NY) - but left the states for Israel at the age of 14 and lived there for 24 years. Eight years ago I decided to come back to the motherland - and of course I didn't have any credit history whatsoever. KB- I'm not married - but i have a spouse, or significant other or whatever is the pc term.
The PC term may be Spousal Equivalent but my term would be "Headache, Ongoing." That is what I call Stanford.
If I were to refer to her as a headache, I would have my skulled cracked. I remember college. But I love live now. can't wait for our baby.
Huge congrats to you - and Tiffany - on your soon to be parenthood. How's Tiffany doing with the pregnancy?
Mark LA, Congrats on the car! Who cares about the celibacy? The thing is, if you can handle the CL's without screwing up again, by all means go for 200k!!! Charlie
Mark, temptation may cause you to take this advice. If infact you do, I will still speak to you and ask you questions like who did they pull, what was your score, any derogs, hows about an au for show only. (lol) only kidding about the au thing, but everything else. I want to know
Charlie didn't get a new car yet - waiting til the end of the year to trade in the Civic for maybe an Accord - not sure yet.
Mark LA, I meant card not car. I was tired last night and didn't read the post before submitting!! I'm behind ya though on you getting more cards.!! Charlie
LOL thanx Charlie u da man but i'm gonna do my darndest to cool it a little - without making any promises