An Apology, A Confession

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    by the way, the correct term for a spousal equivalent is 'life partner'
  2. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    "life partner" not bad - but it sounds a little too businesslike for me.
    I think i'm gonna stay with "significant other" speaking of which - my s.o. and i are leaving tomorrow for NY for a weekend vacation - coming back Monday night... I'm gonna miss you guys (choke)
  3. jaj1701

    jaj1701 Well-Known Member

    Hey Mark LA,

    I currently drive a 99 Accord. I test drove the 03 Accord on Monday (official release date). It is a very nice automobile. I don't like it enough better than my 99 to trade at this point, but can recommend it to anyone. I like the fact that ABS is now standard across all trim lines and they increased the hp on the 4 cyl and the 6 cyl. The outside is just ok, but the interior is very nice looking. Many nice accessories too including an MP3 CD addon, rear entertainment DVD system (a first for a car I believe), navigation system, etc etc etc. They also put the buttons for the remote ON THE KEY ITSELF! For all the lasted honda info goto or has now updated their website with the 03 info as well.

    Just my two cents. You can't go wrong with a 98-02 Accord or the 03 Accord. And congrats on the card too.
  4. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    thanx for the info
    actually - here's what i was thinking:
    I'm going to wait til November and see if i can find an amazing deal on a new 2002 Accord - kind of figuring they'll be looking to get rid of them to make room for the 2003 models.
    thanx for the links to the sites :)

    Mark LA
  5. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    I thought lately they were using co-habitant?

    Actually, there is another word, I think, but I can't find it. I was just reading a NOLO book yesterday about this very subject too...
  6. jaj1701

    jaj1701 Well-Known Member

    No problem. And 02 deals should abound. From my dealer I found this.... They are willing to deal below MSRP on the 03 LXs only. The 03 EXs will be MSRP at least for quite some time.

    The 98-02s were great (hince me keeping mine). I don't know if your looking for new or used, but the used pricing will get softer this year. As for new, there are some factory to dealer incentives right now. If you go to , you can see about what you can expect to pay from a dealer. For example, the LX 4cyl is showing about $1000 below "invoice" and $3000 below MSRP. I know my dealers pricing on one or even two model year old cars never went below that point. Last year they still had a 00 EX-L on the lot when the 02s arrived and they still wanted invoice for it. I know, because I hammered them on it because I thought I would get a great deal on it. They sat on that car a good 6 more months before they sold it.

    Anyways, good luck in your decision. I can recommend anything but the DX or the VP (value package) as they don't have the VTEC engine or things like power windows. If you live up north, the V6s are nice because of the Traction Control they come standard with.

    If you do get an LX, look on ebay. The 6 disc in dash CD changer/cassette combo usually goes for around $300. I added one from an 01 to my 99. I also bought my set of alloy wheels that way.

    For accessories, check out....

    My local dealer will match their pricing without adding in for shipping., has saved me tons of money.

    Enough of my babbling. Good luck.


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