Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Oh goodie! NJ sounds great! We could ummmmm ahhhhhhhhh duhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Illinois then, river boat gambling on the Mississippi, Ohio, Illinois, and Fox(?) rivers. Nice central location, good air service, and interstates, and even amtrack. In the southern part of the state are the Illinois Ozark, very wild and undeveloped compared to other states, northern Illinois lots of corn fields and flat land so everyone from Iowa and Indiana would feel right at home. The people in our rural areas are very friendly with very little inbreeding. For those who prefer the fast paced big city stuff there is Chciago(though I cannot understand why anyone would want to go to a place with that many people).
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather What about Windsor Ontario? It's near Detroit and has gambling. Or Branson MO?
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Now let's not get off the Vegas track. There's no place like Las Vegas.
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Vegas or Branson, MO sound good. (Branson because it's central, not because I'm dying to see the Glen Campbell Theater.) I vote for May, June, or July. There's no way I can change my February commitments on short notice, although I wish I could, lol. Doc
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Dogman, As a former resident of the Bellagio, I expect you to take a stand Saar
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Puh-leeez! NJ is home to the hippest town in America! We've got culture galore, an Ivy League school, fabulous restaurants, AC, and we're close to NY & PA, etc. etc. And with our famous Garden State Parkway, you only need to know the exit # to get anywhere!
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather I have to agree that February is a bit close, but why should we plan all the way out to late spring? March or April should e great months for our gathering. By the way, anyone that's ever been to New Jersey knows that Rina is joking. All bad NJ jokes aside, Jersey is somewhere to land in and hurry up and drive away from. LOL
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather The hippest town in America. That would be Asbury Park, NJ, correct? And all this time I thought the hippest town in America was Parma, Ohio. Live and learn. Doc P.S. May I direct your attention to the "Weird New Jersey" web site at
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather There's always that classic destination: beautiful downtown Newark.
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather To get the perfect Vegas combination of weather and cost, it should be either late February or early March. Hell, we can get a hotel discount for group booking Saar
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Saar is right. After early March, the prices start to go way up. Vegas is still very reasonable from now until then.
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Doc that was a low blow, but whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NJ is the coolest no matter what anybody says! What other state can brag about: John Travolta Danny Devito Bon Jovi Bruce Springsteen Connie Chung Jack Nicholson Jason Alexander Joe Pesci Paul Robeson Frank Sinatra David Smith Meryl Streep The Sopranos (ok, so maybe we can't brag about them) And so many more!
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather I always loved the NJ tunnels and smokestacks, myself. Do they still have all those tolls on the Garden State Pky? Drive and and stop... Actually south Jersey is very pretty - lots of farm country, rolling hills and very green in summer. Pearl River area is nice too - right outside NYC. I went to school in Rockland County.
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather The only thing I remember about N.J. is when I was a kid, and my family drove from Tucson to New York. After we crossed into New Jersey from Penn., the air really began to stink. My dad said it was all the factories. But I sure remember that smell.
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather You should smell it now, blechhh! New Jersey knows it is dirty and nasty. Like anyplace, there are probably a few good people there like Rina and a couple of others.
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather Now, Rina, you know I love you. That said, let's examine your bragging rights a bit more closely: John Travolta -- hmmm Danny Devito -- hmmm Bon Jovi -- hmmm Bruce Springsteen -- GOOD BRAG Connie Chung -- hmmm Jack Nicholson -- GOOD BRAG Jason Alexander -- hmmm Joe Pesci -- hmmm Paul Robeson -- GOOD BRAG Frank Sinatra -- GOOD BRAG David Smith -- hmmm Meryl Streep -- hmmm The Sopranos -- hmmm 4 out of 13 ain't bad! Now, compare that with my beloved Tennessee's Top 13: Governor Ray Blanton Jerry Lee Lewis Big John Tate Graceland Dolly Parton Coach Johnny Majors Bucksnort Jake Butcher C.H. Butcher Rudy's Farm Country Sausage The Reverend J. Bazzel Mull & Mrs. Mull Sheriff Buford Pusser See Rock City See? See what I mean? See what I'm saying? Doc
Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather But Knoxville Tennessee in particular can claim fame from DAVID ALLEN COLLINS, FOAMX COMPANY, ROY LEE CLARK, AVERY MILLS, and JACOB FRANKLIN BUTCHER and CECIL H. BUTCHER