Annual Creditnet Posters gathering

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hermit5, Jan 26, 2002.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    If Tennessee or New Jersey were anything special, there would be Tennessee or New Jersey themed resorts in Las Vegas.
  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    LKH, you OBVIOUSLY didn't even take the time to visit Sheesh.

    Oh, Knoxville can also take credit for inventing the Dempster Dumpster, named for our former city leader, Mayor George Dempster. We certainly don't want to forget that contribution to our collective cultural identity.

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Well excuuuuusssseeeemmmmmmeeeee. I just went and checked it out. Wow, what a claim to fame!
  4. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Las Vegas, aka hussy-ville, doesn't have a NJ-themed resort?! Thank goodness!

    People who bust NJ's chops are jealous bc we have some of the best suburbs & make more $$. We may spend it all on car insurance, but at least it looks good on paper :)
  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    You definately don't spend it on Driver education classes! LOL
  6. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather


  7. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Personally, I have a spotless driving record.

    But 99% of the time it's the tourists' fault when they get the NJ Salute. We already know how to drive!

    Is anybody gonna back me up?! Geez!
  8. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    People who live in Las Vegas (like me!) are about to make some serious $$ on the New England game! (And I don't even have to deal with Tony Soprano's crew when I go to collect.)

    Can you say a +500 moneyline? I knew you could.
  9. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    I'm just teasing, But I wouldn't want to be a tourist causing all kinds of accidents for the natives. LOL
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Hey we can get him drunk and learn all his secrets...
    burn him in effigy? See what he looks like in his underwear?

  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    It's the laws there, not the drivers. The bad drivers are in Alabama, Arkansas, etc.

  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    How bout the West coast people meet at Vegas and the East Coast people either meet at Atlantic City or Foxwoods?
    Just a thought. BTW I was part of a 'debate' chat and majority of us lived on the east coast so we all met in AC, but I'm up for a trip to Vegas if majority rules :)
    hey Doc wanna do some math and figure how many of us live on the east coast and how many on the west?
    I'm the Northeast!
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    LOL, I don't need to do the math because it's already been done.

    According to the 2000 US Census, 59.5% of the population lives east of the Mississippi River, while only 40.5% live west. Those figures are slightly inflated on behalf of the west, though, with the entire state of Minnesota being given to the western half of the equation (including St. Paul and Duluth, for example, which are clearly east).

    By my calculations, we should have this shindig somewhere central east of the Mississippi River. :)

  14. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Yea, Well Anchorage has Scott Gomez and um, uh...........;-)
  15. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Boy, miss a couple of days here and you miss all kinds of interesting stuff!!

    Why hasn't anyone mentioned the lovely state of Ohio!!?? Midwest...central location....
  16. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Why not be completely fair to everyone and meet in the Cayman Islands!!!!!

    There we can enjoy the tropical breezes, the beautiful beaches...

    we can discuss credit issues and if we want to, each of us may open an offshore tax haven corporation.... :)

    Write the whole thing off as a new business exploration expense.
  17. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather


    I'll help you out. I vote for Jersey. But, could we pick somewhere south, where it isn't so polluted and congested - like Cape May? That's pretty. Just a suggestion. :)

  18. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Actually, I change my vote (sorry Rina). The Cayman Islands works for me. :)

  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    Caymans!! <looking for scuba gear>
  20. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Re: Annual Creditnet Posters gather

    I keep seeing airline specials to the Caymans :)))

    Air Tran, Delta...

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